Gameplay and graphics in the pathfinder games are more similar to BG2, I will admit that. They even have the RTwP and a 6 person party. Change is not always a bad thing though. If I had a choice for BG3 to be like it is now, or more like WotG, or for Larian or Owlcat Games to make BG3, I would without any hesitation or doubt pick Larian and the BG3 we have. I find the writing to be way better in BG3. Characters like Wyll are so nuanced. They have flaws and the inner conflict and turmoil that you'd see in a real life human being. BG3 is what led me to try DoS and DoS2, which I ended up loving. I think they are doing an amazing job and am excited for the full release and hope we get more RPGs like this is the future! 😄

Last edited by NotoriousZow; 09/01/23 05:43 PM.