Funny. Looking back at the 50s pages of this thread, I absolutely hated Kingmaker. Why? I was trying to play it on authentic rules difficulty level which was way too hard. That really cheesed me off because I like playing by the authentic rules. Once I let that go and played by the Normal difficulty, I loved it and bought WotR which I loved WAY more.

Consequently, that's presently one of my pet peeves still about BG3. It strays so much from authentic 5e rules that the balance is all out of whack and the volatility of combat is still too high. Either a fight is too easy because of some particular homebrew, or it's too hard. It's like you can't quite find the good middle ground.

Example? The thread about stealth I posted more recently. Either you can stealth, snipe, stealth your way through every BG3 fight or the game is making your character make 3 stealth checks in a row when it should just be 1. It makes no sense. I had Astarion in a good looking and dark hiding place, but because he was still in a skeleton sight cones he had to make 3 consecutive stealth checks. By the time I clicked on Sneak Attack and selected an enemy, he'd failed the 3rd check and was visible. Meanwhile, in a different fight, SH and my MC were like 10 feet from a devourer and they just kept stealthing and shooting every turn while the devourers just sat there doing nothing.

More 5e would balance the game. Just saying.