Originally Posted by GM4Him
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
I don't have a problem, but maybe those who don't want to watch it can just... skip the cutscene? I'm pretty sure there's a skip option for cinematics? Or am I misremembering?

Edit: The usual standard for cutscenes is to have a skip option, especially if you are replaying the game or are repeatedly dying and are sick of seeing the scene over and over again.

There is a skip, but part of the issue is that you miss dialogue and therefore character development if you skip the sex cutscenes entirely. And if you don't skip them entirely, you have to watch them to determine what parts you need to skip versus not skip, this defeating the purpose.

Edit:. But, I do have to wonder just how important those scenes are really going to be. I mean, will we still learn everything we want to learn about the characters without being naughty with them?

This is partially why I said that as long as the sex scenes and explicit sex content doesn't get any more blatant and in your face throughout the game, but they remain optional and behind obvious dialogue triggers, I'll be happy... Unless they include an origin character that I find that I really love. If there's a character that I really want my person to be with, that's when it'll be frustrating because how will I know if the romance scene will be like SH as opposed to Minthara unless I try it out. But then, it's too late to skip, isn't it?
So most of the explicit cutscenes are still under construction, so I cannot say to what extent those scenes are necessary for character development, but I CAN speak to explicit scenes in other RPGs. In Bioware games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, it never seemed like the explicit scenes were 100% necessary for understanding a character or its development? If someone has a counterexample, I'd be glad to be proven wrong. Similarly, I don't see how the suggestions of having a fade-to-black on this forum resolve that problem, for if there is character development in those scenes, having a fade to black just strikes the development from the record? What is the proposed solution here for the balance of explicit scenes and underlying character development outside of watch-it-or-don't?

Last edited by Zerubbabel; 11/01/23 04:01 PM.

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