Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by NotoriousZow
... hope we get more RPGs like this is the future! 😄
This I have to strongly disagree with, because if we get more games like BG3 in the future then you and other BG3 fans will keep getting the games you like while people like me will never get the games we want.

I agreed with @NotoriousZow on this one smile We want lots of DnD games. Which is why the OGL matters - we don't *just* want games from the big boys! Tiny little studios should be free to make their weird interpretation.
So you'd want more games exactly like BG3? Like I said in my response, where would that leave a critic of BG3 like me?

Wanting more D&D games is an entirely different thing from wanting more games exactly like BG3.
The same place that more Souls like games leaves people that don't like or can't play them? We're left playing other games that suit us instead. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've wished that Dark Souls had come out 30 years ago, because it looks like it's a lot of fun, but today? I'm too old for that stuff. Literally, I don't have the manual dexterity now that I had 30 years ago. Not every game, regardless of genre, has to be built for me. More games like this means that I have more options, regardless of whether someone else is critical of it or not.

Incidentally, I want less DnD games now, given what's going on with the OGL. I want to support those creators, and not have to support Hasbro/WotC. I won't be buying the Season 2 pass for WotR until I know what's happening with the Pathfinder stuff as a result of this.