
Maybe you are not talking to me, but it seems like you are since I was the one to address your hypocrisy comment.

If it was hypocrisy, I would say, "I detest sex scenes and vulgarity," or "sex scenes in movies, games, books, etc. are evil," but then I would secretly watch all the sex scenes and love them and the vulgarity, etc. I would say I hate and disapprove of such things and tell others they are bad and so forth, but then I would secretly go and watch porn etc., etc. etc.

I do not do such things. When I play games like this, I do everything in my power to avoid the sex scenes and vulgarity. I do not like them, and very honestly I wish they were removed from all games.

As for the rest of what you said, I don't really like nudity so blatantly displayed for everyone to see. It's not offending my feelings. It's just something I don't want to see and I don't think it's good for others to see - especially impressionable children or horny young adults who don't know how to control themselves (of course, horny young adults aren't the only ones who have a hard time controling themselves in this area, which is another reason why I think it's not good to do).

Consequently, my daughter is an artist. In college, she had to draw nude people just to get through school. She did not enjoy it, and she never wants to do such a thing again. Did she refuse to paint or draw these nude people? Nope. She did it because she had to in order to graduate. Did I get all condemning of her for doing so? Nope. I supported her. I even looked at some of her art in support of her as well as to provide critiques and so forth. And frankly, it IS upsetting that schools demand that their art students have to paint nude people regardless of whether they want to or not.

But I digress. That in no way makes me a hypocrite. I still do not want to see explicit sex scenes in my entertainment, nor do I like vulgarity, and I really don't think either is good for people in general. I also still don't watch porn or go looking for nudy pictures while saying that I don't like these things.

And yes. I absolutely will critique someone's unfinished art, or an author's idea regardless of knowing the end result if they ask me to do so. Larian has asked us to provide feedback and suggestions, and this is one of my feedbacks and suggestions.

Also, I am not calling the entire game "cartoon porn". I am calling some of the sex scenes, especially Minthara's, cartoon porn. Unless something has changed, I believe the only thing they didn't include that would make it absolutely porn was showing the particulars while doing the act.

And finally, "I think that the Lorians should give the opportunity to watch such content to those who want to watch it, and if you don't want to watch it, then just skip it." This is exactly what I'm looking for except I would like an auto-skip option in the settings so that if the scene is about to get explicitly sexual, the game auto-skips the scene and moves on to the next one. Then I don't have to get an eye-full before I hit the button to skip it. Images flash quickly, and they can stay in your brain forever. It only takes a moment for an image to affect you. I'd appreciate it if Larian made it so that I don't have to worry about such a thing.