RPGs (even rather forward looking ones like D:OS1&2 and Disco Elysium) tend to look back, as RPGs haven't been made since 2000s, and they are nieche titles developed on fraction of budget your average AAA release gets.
I also find it is hilarious to claim that RPGs are stuck in the past, while OP asks for the same game that has seen multiple releases per year for over 10 years now.
This is also true.
I think we can see the impact of GTA IV (2008), Minecraft (2009-11), Red Dead Redemption (2010), Skyrim (2011), Borderlands 2 (2012), GTA V (2013), and The Witcher 3 (2015) on gaming as a whole. If you look at these pages
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games and
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises all of the above titles are on it. Open or semi-open world crafting ARPG sandboxes have taken over the genre as a whole. So much so that previously successful video game franchises which were not originally open world ARPG sandboxes adapted their features, like Assassin's Creed and Halo. Even former shooter powerhouses like Call of Duty have given way to Battle Royale shooters which emphasize structures, survival, and world traversal over shooting in an arena. Even Breath of the Wild did away with most of its dungeons in exchange for more open world activity.