Thank you yes this:
Cyberpunk Ray tracing? Unreal 5 can do same effects as Ray tracing with new technology and clearly less system requirements. UNREAL 5 engine beats BG3 engine but BG3 is towards end of it production line to change to UNREAL 5 now would be wrong and create long time delay and lets keep the current engine and full release at August 2023. BG3 will have enough good graphics though if speak of best engine I would say Unreal 5 engine is that.
Only MMO:s use Unreal 5? No lots of upcoming single player games will use the very powerful Unreal 5 engine and even the next Witcher whenever that will be released will use Unreal 5 engine at least that is the current plan.
"Both Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher series were developed on an in-house game engine called RED Engine. Starting with The Witcher 4, CD Projekt RED will switch to Unreal Engine 5, collaborating with Epic Games."
Even Dungeons Dragons MMO will use Unreal 5:
Dungeons Dragons MMO (Neverwinter ONLINE exist, but it is outdated) with Unreal 5 graphics. Developed in USA.
Release date?: Unknown Guess 2025-2028. Even the name is unknown for this MMO.
However how to to use UNREAL 5 if have like BG1 or BG2 I do not know. However it is the best graphics you can do and system ok ok system requirements.
Why would so many really many buy UNREAL 5 for much money? Because it is best. I do not say UNREAL 4 was best even before long time before UNREAL 5, but UNREAL 5 is much better then UNREAL 4. Unreal 4 was perhaps good, but UNREAL 5 is excellent better then UNREAL 4 and more then only better graphics.
More and more buy UNREAL 5 because it is NOT only better graphics. It is powerful system requirements is ok even you would have really big battle. I do know at least 5 big budget AAA fantasy MMO that will use UNREAL 5 the first one will come during 2023 that fantasy MMO is Throne of Liberty aka Lineage 3 MMO full release during 2023. That is actually the very first UNREAL 5 engine fantasy MMO that will be full release.
Other games that are not fantasy MMO that would be a very long list of games that will use UNREAL 5 however example solo fantasy game Witcher 4 will use Unreal 5.
Unreal 5 is of course an engine and graphics. Of course artist make could create different worlds with that engine and you could argue some Unreal 5 games will have better looking world then as another Unreal 5 game world. One reason WOW MMO was successful because it was not realistic graphics the people liked the art the Style they did WOW MMO. If you go on saying which painting is best in an art gallery oh well I refuse to argue with that and there is also subjective taste.
Unreal 5 is for gaming PC and the very best consoles.
In fact EPIC has already have show where they showed Unreal 5 engine on Playstation 5. Well and game developers have used it for PC games. Unreal 5 is not for older consoles like Playstation 4. Well and best Xbox should run Unreal 5 engine at least I believe so.
Actually Unreal 5 can function on some lesser systems but every game will have their own system requirements and if you want to play all Unreal 5 games then I think it is best for best Consoles or ok gaming PC.