Joined: Oct 2020
Page XXX, I think you mean Side comment LATIN GANG RISE UP Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres; I got in trouble for using Latin phrases here before, but I think this is appropriate :p Just don't ask me to decline "Go away Romans" There's a lot going on in Roman society, it also spans many hundreds of years, so pointing at any one part of it isn't going to be very meaningful. They had pretty clear ideals of masculinity, the ideal Roman Man, which was where you would attack your opponent. This one's a Hellenophile, this one's wife sleeps around, this one reads without sounding out the words etc. And that's just what's going on during the time. Pagans and their ways is going to go on the be the church's whipping boy for, well I guess still now. A culture's moral character is the fixation of most societies at their zenith it seems. If you want some evidence concerning sex in media today the Scientific American has an interesting article https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-sunny-side-of-smut/ no naughty pictures either I found the part about the amount of rape in Japan China and Denmark plummeting as access to pornography increased interesting. It also reminds me of Louis Farrakhand's infamous claim, that the absence of rape in Muslim countries proved Islam's moral superiority. I hope everyone here understands what's really going on there (you have to have rights, for them to be abused). Which of course is what women and slaves didn't have in Rome. Though you never know what is legally true and what is practically true, every father in Rome was legal entitled to kill his son, though it never was invoked. Killing every slave of a citizen murdered by one, did happen a few times.
Joined: Dec 2022
Last edited by pachanj; 14/01/23 03:08 AM.
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Joined: Oct 2020
Please note:
- Prostitutes (and sometimes entertainers and actors) were not given this legal protection and the rape of a slave would only be considered a crime of property damage against the slave’s owner.
- Males were allowed to sleep around as much as they liked so long as their mistress was unmarried, or, if they were with a boy, he was over a certain age.
- Brothels, prostitutes and dancing girls were all considered to be ‘fair game’, as were older males – on the condition that he was to be submissive.
- Children were protected from sexual activity, but ONLY if they were freeborn Roman citizens.
- Prostitution was legal and endemic. Slaves were considered as much their master’s property in sexual terms as they were economically.
And finally, here is your Roman media:
The Romans wrote about sex in their literature, comedy, letters, speeches and poetry. There seems to have been no low-culture taboo attached to writing – or otherwise depicting – sex frankly. The finest writers and artists were happy to indulge.
Roman art is filled with images that would today be regarded as pornographic. In Pompeii, erotic mosaics, statues and frescoes (used to illustrate this piece) are found not only in known brothels and bath houses which may have been places of business for prostitutes, but also in private residences, where they are given pride of place.
There are erotically-charged objects almost everywhere in the suffocated city. This was something that the Romans could cope with, but not modern Europeans – many such discoveries were kept largely under lock and key in a Naples museum until 2005.
Yeah. Rome was great. We should be like them.
But I've never studied Rome.
Would you like more articles?
Edit: I took the link I originally used out because apparently it has nasty pics. Ugh! This is why it's really hard to take you seriously, I ask: What about the terrible things that happened to people in ancient Rome? ...and you get to: Yeah. Rome was great. We should be like them. Seriously?
Joined: Oct 2020
Sarcasm isn't just a ravine in Carpathia
Joined: Feb 2021
I found the part about the amount of rape in Japan China and Denmark plummeting as access to pornography increased interesting. China is the 3rd worst country in the world for Human Trafficking. It's definitely on the increase,” she says. “We have also seen lots more children victimized in the commercial sex industry come to us for help.” Although officially illegal, Japan has a booming sex industry due to numerous loopholes.Oct 29, 2019 https://time.com › World › Japan Sexual Exploitation of Young Girls in Japan 'On the Rise' - TIME Of course rape will decrease if Human Trafficking and Prostitution increase. Why commit a crime if you can pay for it instead?
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Joined: Jan 2023
Generally, the idea in psychology seems to be that rape in modern societies isn't a play on sex, but power. This can be seen in people who molest children in their home, but aren't actually attracted to them.
A good part of rape is marital, or at least done to you by someone you know. This includes teachers and other authority figures. Rapists generally are not the sort of people who like sex workers, or would treat them well.
Joined: Feb 2021
Yeah. That's it. I'm out. It's sad to me, really, that no one here seems to think this is a problem in our world. But rape is people forcing themselves on someone sexually, and if someone is kidnapped and forced into prostitution, that is the same darn thing. Those who purchase prostitutes and encourage prostitution are encouraging this kind of thing. After all, if they didn't make money off of it, they wouldn't do it.
And I've done enough studies of civilizations throughout history. You all may think I'm an unedumacated moron who doesn't know a gosh darn thing about nothing because I just watched movies and assumed that theys was real and factual, but I've studied TONS of history and civilizations and religions and societies. It's one of the things I really love to do. I've delved into Greek history, especially Roman history because it coincided with Christianity, which I've studied Christian church history at length as well... Hindu history, Asian histories, South American... demons, witchcraft, Satanism, Paganism...
And this is what I've seen over and over and over again. When the people as a whole care about one another as a society and work together to try to help one another avoid doing things that are destructive, and when they have a moral standard and work to uphold it, the society flourishes. When people turn blind eyes to other people's problems and say, "Well. Not my problem. Just because YOU have that issue doesn't mean I have to stop doing what I'm doing," or "that's not my problem. That's a problem for the authorities," or "Who cares? I say 'Anything goes. Live and let live,'" societies start to degenerate and fall apart. It only takes a few generations before people are trashing one another, disrespectful, nasty, and overall unpleasant to talk to, live with, etc. It happens over and over and over again.
Rome flourished. Yep. It sure did. For hundreds of years. But it was a terrible empire in SO many ways. I REALLY don't want to live in anything close to a Roman Empire - either the Holy Roman one or otherwise. And yet, that's exactly where the world's culture is going.
Joined: Oct 2020
What do we not think is a problem? Sex in fiction? How it leads to a more permissive society which leads to...what exactly? disrespecting your elders and rape? Was it this permissive attitude toward sexual mores that led Rome to conquer and subjugate the Mediterreanan world? You're shadowboxing with demons I can't see. Bring it back down a few notches so I can understand what you're getting at.
Joined: Mar 2021
And this is what I've seen over and over and over again. When the people as a whole care about one another as a society and work together to try to help one another avoid doing things that are destructive, and when they have a moral standard and work to uphold it, the society flourishes. When people turn blind eyes to other people's problems and say, "Well. Not my problem. Just because YOU have that issue doesn't mean I have to stop doing what I'm doing," or "that's not my problem. That's a problem for the authorities," or "Who cares? I say 'Anything goes. Live and let live,'" societies start to degenerate and fall apart. It only takes a few generations before people are trashing one another, disrespectful, nasty, and overall unpleasant to talk to, live with, etc. It happens over and over and over again.
Rome flourished. Yep. It sure did. For hundreds of years. But it was a terrible empire in SO many ways. I REALLY don't want to live in anything close to a Roman Empire - either the Holy Roman one or otherwise. And yet, that's exactly where the world's culture is going. Sheesh, ok Boomer. The problem is judgmental, sweeping generalizations and rejection of personal responsibility. I have no idea if you really delve into actual books on these subjects or if you have some sort of quasi internet education but you certainly don't have a scientific/historical eye when it comes to your perception and interpretation of ancient societies. I have observed that you filter all of these through your own biases, including religious ones. The judgments on the Romans are particularly both egregious and ironic given that the proximal cause of the dissolution of the Roman Empire was Christianity and the adoption of Christian morals, coupled with a poor system for transfer of power and the Empire stopping its expansion and discontinuing slavery. The fire went out of the empire, and it stopped. It was successful, for good or ill, for over 400 years. But perhaps Christianity is not to blame, perhaps its just that empires have a lifespan that comes to an end as the energies of that empire stagnate. The British Empire is all but gone, but their colony (the U.S.) is still thriving, for now. Other Empires have come and gone - and maybe that's just the way things are and to ascribe specific reasons is arrogance on our part. Anyway, I think this silly post was about Minthara's lovely boobies and how they are a threat to children everywhere. How the hell did we get here?!
Joined: Jun 2020
GM, all respect but if you're going to continue to argue from a position of begging the question on your premise, make bad faith conflations and draw non-sequitur conclusions, and deflect to drum-banging unrelated issues (which no-one disagrees with), then excusing yourself from the conversation now is probably the wisest move. Of course rape will decrease if [...] Prostitution increase. Why commit a crime if you can pay for it instead? At the very least I'm glad to hear that you are firmly on board and supporting of a healthy, open and well regulated sex and prostitution industry that is publicly visible, well maintained and looks after its workers well, and encourages open dialogues about the work and the understanding of it as a valuable part of any society ^.^
Joined: Jun 2021
It isnt video games faults that people have affairs or commit worse acts.
Pretending that it might be is just honestly kind of weird.
Joined: Mar 2021
GM, all respect but if you're going to continue to argue from a position of begging the question on your premise, make bad faith conflations and draw non-sequitur conclusions, and deflect to drum-banging unrelated issues (which no-one disagrees with), then excusing yourself from the conversation now is probably the wisest move. Of course rape will decrease if [...] Prostitution increase. Why commit a crime if you can pay for it instead? At the very least I'm glad to hear that you are firmly on board and supporting of a healthy, open and well regulated sex and prostitution industry that is publicly visible, well maintained and looks after its workers well, and encourages open dialogues about the work and the understanding of it as a valuable part of any society ^.^ I think you are giving him too much credit. He is implying that the act of hiring a sex worker is the same as rape. Another sweeping generalization.
Joined: Nov 2020
Anyway, I think this silly post was about Minthara's lovely boobies and how they are a threat to children everywhere. How the hell did we get here?! Her boobies are indeed lovely, and a threat to all chaste people everywhere! /s
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Joined: Jan 2023
So, yeah. State of things: 1. Sex scenes remain skipable 2. You'll likely have to press that button yourself (can't say that's unusual) 3. People will likely mod this game, introducing more variety of sex scenes 4. Sex in video games remains weird looking as of 2023. 5. We currently have no clue how much (optional) sex each romance will include, nor how Larian will space out the scenes in full release
Joined: Feb 2021
Side comment LATIN GANG RISE UP ROMANES EUNT DOMUS! And yes; violent games/films/tv/books don't make people like violence enough that they go out and commit crime. People who commit crime like violence enough that they watch violent games/films/tv/books. And this is just one more thing the news media is guilty of propagating: when someone says "Oh I killed that person because I did it in GTA and thought it was fine", the media repeat it verbatim for shock value instead of saying "shut up, man up, and stop gas-lighting you moron".
Last edited by Elessaria666; 14/01/23 08:52 PM.
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Joined: Jan 2023
Well, media may be guilty of a few wrong beliefs. E.g. a person being knocked out is not a big deal -- except it is. Generally, however, basic empathy should prevent someone being beaten half dead.
It's possible immersing yourself regularly in a fantasy of mass murder may give you the courage to do it. But, so does merely talking to your fellow incels. Fantasy is fantasy, games or no games. It doesn't matter how people run it through their heads.
I understand belief in the perspective. But, the sad truth is, it's just altogether too easy to radicalize young men nowadays. Before the internet, fellow basement dwellers would have never met.
Joined: Nov 2020
What's really funny is that a possible metric of the success of the game would be someone making a Porno out of it. I wonder who will play Shadowheart... So... It's not exactly as specified, but I did just see an animated porn video that was clearly made using BG3 models as their base. The adornments on the Tiefling bodies are very distinctive, which is what clued me in. Partial congratulations, there's not porn of it yet, but there is porn using it.
Joined: Aug 2014
I don't really want to feed this thread any further, except: the internet is full of porn. Let's keep porn as porn, and games as games please. If you want to have porn in your game, advertise it as such so the niche Divinity engine porn audience can find it.
I am not going to curate my own game experience and start skipping this or not using that. I wish people who want feature X or Y would stop using this pointless argument but I guess it's too easy to throw around without listening to reason or trying to see things from someone else's point of view. I'm going to experience the game as the developer intended - see everything, use everything. Not skip things at the first sight of clumsy soft porn or op cheese mechanic, and then wonder what I skipped. After seeing Minthara's comical 69 antics and some other stuff that would have been better never to leave the editing room, I feel nothing but embarrassment for the cinematic director and game director of BG3. The clunky soft porn action ruins the romantic scenes entirely. And even if the technical side of things could be improved to an amazing photorealistic level, I still wouldn't want porn in a game. Much for the same reason movies don't do it, unless it's a central theme of the story and there's a reason for it. I understand why some players might want to see them, but it's my personal and professional opinion that BG3 sex scenes show poor taste.
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Joined: Jan 2023
I don't really want to feed this thread any further, except: the internet is full of porn. Let's keep porn as porn, and games as games please. If you want to have porn in your game, advertise it as such so the niche Divinity engine porn audience can find it.
I am not going to curate my own game experience and start skipping this or not using that. I wish people who want feature X or Y would stop using this pointless argument but I guess it's too easy to throw around without listening to reason or trying to see things from someone else's point of view. I'm going to experience the game as the developer intended - see everything, use everything. Not skip things at the first sight of clumsy soft porn or op cheese mechanic, and then wonder what I skipped. After seeing Minthara's comical 69 antics and some other stuff that would have been better never to leave the editing room, I feel nothing but embarrassment for the cinematic director and game director of BG3. The clunky soft porn action ruins the romantic scenes entirely. And even if the technical side of things could be improved to an amazing photorealistic level, I still wouldn't want porn in a game. Much for the same reason movies don't do it, unless it's a central theme of the story and there's a reason for it. I understand why some players might want to see them, but it's my personal and professional opinion that BG3 sex scenes show poor taste. Is it pornography, though? Some people see intimacy as a very vital part in a relationship. Some people also prefer to do something outside the missionary position. What makes a sex scene pornographic, I wonder? And, should some scenes be focused on the sex, since you chatted a non companion up just to have it? These are the best questions I can come up with to give everyone a chance to present their stance fairly...
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Joined: Jan 2023
For me, I really don't know. What is strictly pornographic? Any depiction of sex... seems too careful.
For the second question, while everything of course should be skipable... If you, for example, roleplay a great seducer, adventurous sex seems like part of the ride. Not every NPC has to offer the same flavour.
Companions... romances like Lae'Zel's are different from Shadowheart and that's fine. It's part of fleshing out the character and romance.