Originally Posted by Terminator2020
First of all I have not played any Sekiro or Dark Souls or Elden Ring games myself. From what I have heard you might be correct about the first early one Sekiro. From the standpoint Dark Souls was more harder perhaps in the beginning, but with patches they have made Elden Ring harder so I would say today Elden Ring is not easier then Dark Souls. If you disagree you can see the first video I posted it was named "Elden Ring is disappointing".
I played all of those, and have seen Joseph's video before:-). From what I remember I more or less agree with him based on what i have experienced so far. I am also using a buiild that have been nerfed after launch - it is still very much playable. All FromSoftware did was reign down some of the more exploitable builds. It's called balancing, and it often happens after launch.

It's not that Elden Ring doesn't have challenging content, but as a player you are never forced into overcoming one particular challenge, and can spend doing easy content (which is most of it) until you can trivialise most of the boses - that's why it's considered to be the most accessible of FromSoftware titles. If you run into a brick wall you can just go someplace else.

Elden Ring isn't perfect though, and it is my second least favourite FromSoftware soulslike (which means I still like it a lot).