I'm all for goblins as a race choice, but let's embed it in the story rather than having a halfling-wearing-a-goblin mask, eh?

So you start on the beach. Why? You're an outcast pariah. These are mentioned many times in the goblin village. But how can you have an implanted tadpole? Erm... you can't? The pool was destroyed. Also, no way would Gut allow a goblin True Soul to become a pariah and wander off. And if you got imbedded at Moonrise you'd have no memory of it.

Okay, back up, let's put you in the nautiloid. Nevermind old lore saying mindflayers can't be born from small or large beings, let's say the Netherese tadpole isn't bound - again, look at a certain priestess! So mindflayers snatch up goblins too, so you won't be same tribe as npc goblins. This'll explain any initial hostility, though Tieflings won't notice the difference.

Now you just need appropriate dialogue lines and recordings. A whole bunch of them. If this was planned, cool. If not we're talking scope creep. And this'd better not delay that August release date!