Another problem personally that I think with ER is that the story unless you have not played other games like Darks Souls 1 and 2 can be a bit problem to understand for many new players that have never played Dark Souls games.
Elden Ring's story is completely unrelated and in a independent world space (probably) from any other From game. You do not need not have played them to understand its story.
Malenia mentions here "As I wait for his return". Who is he??? If I would be new player to this game I would feel it unclear story,
If you had been paying attention, even a *Little* bit, you would know this. The game has been positively *bombarding* you with this information leading up to this point in the game - It's actually very difficult to fathom that a person could play to this point in the game and not know to whom she is referring, unless they have the information processing capacity of a three-year old. If that's you, then you really need to start paying attention.