Joined: Jul 2009
For the record: Unreal five may be neat, but I personally welcome the death of the unreal dominance and the rediversification of games and gaming engines; when every game comes out relying on the same engine underneath, they intrinsically develop a sort of saminess that, in the most recent generation of games was getting stifling - I'm sick of seeing games piggybacking on the unreal engine rather than developing their own, and the various games I've seen recently that have shifted to develop their own engines for their own games have been a breath of fresh air by comparison. Sounds nice but look at Biowares Frostbite disaster. The engine was crap for RPGs. Or Red Projects Cyberpunk 2077 disaster with the Red Engine. Developing their own engine is AAA Tech and Unreal has in the moment a technogical advantage and ALL users can profit from it.
Last edited by Caparino; 24/01/23 01:30 AM.
Joined: Sep 2020
Yes Elden Ring is flawed. The Quest NPC and the lack of Pacing is confusiong in the first try. Dark Souls was the exact same but the world size makes it harder. On the other side is a second or third run is more fun because you have alot of options in the open world. I'll agree with this. NPC questlines in Demon's and Dark Souls worked because the levels were a combination of a). mostly contained, b.) intended to be played in more of a specified order, and c.) integrated more into a central hub(s). You could still easily miss NPCs or fail their quests, sure, but at least it was relatively straightforward to encounter them again to continue their quests. Elden Ring's huge open world format doesn't really work for this - it's so easy to entirely miss NPCs or have forgotten about their quest by the time you see them again. Like, it's cool that you can discover different NPCs on different playthroughs...but if I don't have time for that, I'd like to encounter them without using a guide or spending countless hours re-exploring the map. In other news, what even was the point of this thread... Oh, right. Hmmm, should Larian make a game that is more similar to Elden Ring? Eh probably not, but seeing their attempt would be interesting at least.
Joined: Jun 2020
Hmmm, should Larian make a game that is more similar to Elden Ring? Only if it's animated by CarbotAnimations. Now I'm just imagining a character 'stealthing' around, dodging sight cones as they fill up an Ulcerated Tree spirit's tiny little room with mountains of exploding barrels, while it looks around and snuffles, oblivious to the increasingly cramped environment...
Last edited by Niara; 24/01/23 03:05 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
And the Roundtable Hold would be full of contantly looping NPC barks 
Joined: Dec 2022
It'll never happen, but I also agree that turn based AND Larian were both bad choices for BG3.
Joined: Jan 2023
I can respect that the OP wants real time (with pause). that is what they enjoy. I personally love turn based and am thrilled that BG3 will be this.
And I don't think that "it's 2023" has anything to do with it. So long as there is an audience, and I definitely am part of that audience, I personally hope that game developers continue to make turn based games far into the future.
Joined: Dec 2020
Yes I have not play ER. However here: [...] He say that Elden Ring's story is not good hehee. Wait, wait... so...let me understand this. You are criticising the story-telling of a game that you have literally never played, For the record: Unreal five may be neat, but I personally welcome the death of the unreal dominance and the rediversification of games and gaming engines; when every game comes out relying on the same engine underneath, they intrinsically develop a sort of saminess that, in the most recent generation of games was getting stifling - I'm sick of seeing games piggybacking on the unreal engine rather than developing their own, and the various games I've seen recently that have shifted to develop their own engines for their own games have been a breath of fresh air by comparison. I can discuss as much I want on forums and Elden Ring has had lots of both negative reviews and positive reviews. I am like thinking (brainstorming) of different games what to play and seems ER is not among them. As for list of games that will use Unreal 5 engine is long indeed and growing. That said not every game of course will use Unreal 5 engine. Game developers do their own code? They do not do that always well not even for so called AAA games like Cyberpunk 2077 or the very infamous Starcitizen MMO project I mean both of them are not known for good coding despite having good budget not low budget games. You are true about it will give less diversity to some degree if really many games use Unreal 5 engine, but I take that certainly happily if the result is an excellent engine like Unreal 5 and it is not like total dominance. Well even more so if talking about none AAA games not everyone wants to pay for Unreal 5 engine. Even the best of so called Indie games or low budget will give some happiness to many players. Yes Elden Ring is flawed. The Quest NPC and the lack of Pacing is confusiong in the first try. Dark Souls was the exact same but the world size makes it harder. On the other side is a second or third run is more fun because you have alot of options in the open world.
DS1 and 3 have the the better Core Lore with the flames and magic schools. Elden Ring has to much side factions. 3-4 different schools of magic and faith are a bit much. Golden Order two Fingers Yellow Flame etc. .. confusing. But DS2 with Majula has a special place for me.
Elden Ring needs a caravan or some friendly hiden places, everything an enemy is a bit boring. The combat is nice but the other RPG Aspects like NPC interaction need a little more love. Thank you for confirming this. Well and I have not said ER is bad game it has good graphics and some people (not me) like Open World games. I have said ER is not my cup of tea in personal taste but still interesting since good graphics and I like some of its Horror elements in regard of tough enemies and some of them a bit Horror fantasy theme.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 25/01/23 04:11 AM.
Joined: Jan 2021
I can respect that the OP wants real time (with pause). that is what they enjoy. I personally love turn based and am thrilled that BG3 will be this.
And I don't think that "it's 2023" has anything to do with it. So long as there is an audience, and I definitely am part of that audience, I personally hope that game developers continue to make turn based games far into the future. This like maximum. In recent few years I have moved from gaming in dedicated set where all is tip top to couch where I do not even have mouse mat. Any real time or fps or such game do not work. I have found new appreciation towards properly made turn based games. They are so mich more enjoyable in my own pace instead of constant ”pressure”.
We are all heroes, you and Boo and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!
Joined: Jul 2009
Its not a matter of turn based or real Time. Its a matter of presentation. BG3 combat looks awful dull.
Look at Portraits as example. Do you know Starcraft2 a over 10 year old RTS game? The portraits are animated. Every Portrait is a real 3D Head with Animations in a Box. So why not in 2023 have Animated Portraits which can talk in combat, cry for help or spöot thje enemy with profane language? The question is BG3 developed around the limitations of the engine or the engine developed to support BG3?
Joined: Mar 2020
Do you know Starcraft2 a over 10 year old RTS game? The portraits are animated. Every Portrait is a real 3D Head with Animations in a Box. I am sure you can come up with a plethera of features others game have that, that others don't. Animated portraits for units, are a really, really small detail. That said, when Starcraft2 was released, that was precisely what I was thinking - how cool it would be if someone did isometric RPG, and put that much production value into the game. I imagined Minsc, Aerie animated portraits on the right, and thought it would be very cool. I for one think, that istead of doing a dodgy cinematic dialogue, Larian would invest into prytting up conversation box, perhaps with animated portraits like you suggest and maybe expad top down animations for dialogues, the game as a whole would look more premium that it will as it is. Cinematics of Baldur's Gate3 will always be stacked against Red Deads, Mass Effects and Witchers and with it's systemic freedom and customisable characters it will never come even close to this quality.
Last edited by Wormerine; 25/01/23 12:32 AM.
Joined: Feb 2020
I can respect that the OP wants real time (with pause). that is what they enjoy. I personally love turn based and am thrilled that BG3 will be this.
And I don't think that "it's 2023" has anything to do with it. So long as there is an audience, and I definitely am part of that audience, I personally hope that game developers continue to make turn based games far into the future. This like maximum. In recent few years I have moved from gaming in dedicated set where all is tip top to couch where I do not even have mouse mat. Any real time or fps or such game do not work. I have found new appreciation towards properly made turn based games. They are so mich more enjoyable in my own pace instead of constant ”pressure”. I feel this totally. My GF and I like to co-op play a relaxed yet immersive game. DOS games were great for this. We could play together and explore, combat, progress the story...until one of us (her ;-) ) eventually got too tired to play. Then I could continue on my own, going back over already explored areas or mostly crafting, selling, buying, crafting...until our next session together. Like when we were playing Red Dead Online, it wasn't intense and a constant adrenaline rush like many people like, but still immersive and highly enjoyable. Plus, when we couldn't play together, either one of us could hop on and "do our dailys" sometimes for both of us. Many people these days just don't appreciate slowing down and enjoying something at a leisurely pace.
Joined: Jan 2023
it wasn't intense and a constant adrenaline rush like many people like, but still immersive and highly enjoyable. Pretty much. True story, when the original BG came out as a demo (yes, I am that old), I saw that it was real-time. I almost didn't buy it then. Thankfully I did. But to this day I much prefer ToEE's turn based tactical combat. BG is a better game than ToEE, but I like ToEE's combat MUCH better. I am extremely happy that I finally get to play my tactical combat in a BG game. In the end (for me), it doesn't have to be pulse pounding, edge of your seat action in order to be immersive and highly enjoyable.
Last edited by The Spyder; 25/01/23 10:18 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
Last edited by Terminator2020; 25/01/23 11:08 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I don't know why you felt the need to embed all those videos. All you had to say was that you don't like open world games so you didn't play elden ring, which is a fair criticism. People got annoyed at you for repeating someone else's opinions of elden ring as though they were your own without actually playing it at all.
Time to STOP posting multi-page long posts filled with embeded videos or the same five repeated selling points of the unreal engine.
Last edited by Piff; 25/01/23 11:10 PM.
Joined: Jun 2020
[a whole bunch of other people's opinions] You still have not engaged in a conversation about this, or explained any of your thoughts and reasoning beyond the fact that you have not played it yourself due to the open world style not being your preference. What are you hoping to achieve by linking the video opinions of other people? You are acting like a mouthpiece for other people's words and contributing nothing of value of your own to the conversation. At the moment you just look and sound like an ad-bot. You have been speaking poorly of a game that you have no personal context for, and passing judgements and opinions that you have (apparently) mimicked wholesale from the videos of other people. Much of it is untrue or inaccurate, and just makes you look foolish for repeating it forward in ignorance, with no personal understanding of what you're talking about. Elden Ring needs a caravan or some friendly hiden places, Well... there's Jarburg... that's a friendly hidden place with people to talk to and free resources, tucked away out of sight. Lots of people never find it, in fact, but it's a good place to restock on a lot of the flower crafting materials.
Joined: Oct 2020
What's this now?
I like turn based games. Other opinions are welcome, but don't speak for me.
I have no thoughts about Elden Ring, dunno why it's an issue here. I don't play BG3 for the combat anyway, combat is always the least interesting part of a game for me, it's just clicking fast enough in the right order innit.
Joined: Mar 2021
Ah, I hear Jarburg is lovely this time of year.
Joined: Jun 2020
Though I do wonder how the jars get *out*... they can't transport via grace, after all.
Joined: Dec 2020
[a whole bunch of other people's opinions] You still have not engaged in a conversation about this,. I did answer. This is the last time I answer your question. If you ask again I wills simple ignore it. "I can discuss as much I want on forums and Elden Ring has had lots of both negative reviews and positive reviews. I am like thinking (brainstorming) of different games what to play and seems ER is not among them." I don't know why you felt the need to embed all those videos. All you had to say was that you don't like open world games so you didn't play elden ring, which is a fair criticism. People got annoyed at you for repeating someone else's opinions of elden ring as though they were your own without actually playing it at all.
Time to STOP posting multi-page long posts filled with embeded videos or the same five repeated selling points of the unreal engine. Hmm I can stop about discuss Elden Ring at least now unless someone tempts me with discussing ER I find little reason to discuss it anymore. However I will not stop about talk about Unreal engine 5. I am pretty sure there will be come new news during 2023 about Unreal 5 games. What MMO with Unreal engine 5 during 2023? Throne of Liberty aka Lineage 3 MMO. Unreal 5 engine and the only fantasy MMO game (that interest me) I expect full release in 2023. Unknown what will cost etc. slightly interested. but like calling it Lineage 3 instead. Release date: During 2023. Voluntary PvP but my issues is with no classes and then PvE zerg farming bosses in outdoor dungeons and raids not balanced. Well and guess more or less buy to win elements could be included. Anyway beautiful game no doubt with Unreal 5 engine. In huge fights Lineage 3 reduce automatically graphics from what I have heard. Ashes of Creation MMO with Unreal 5 graphics. Well not full release in 2023, but I believe that ALPHA 2 in 2023. The ultimate PvP world. On downside not only voluntary PvP. Huge PvP battles possible example 500 vs 500 players and an Dragon in that area that can affect outcome with Unreal 5 engine and plans to not reduce graphics interesting to see how they manage to do this? We have had really big fights yes, but yet not shown 500 vs 500 players. Hardcore old school type of MMO... Epic Raids and Dungeons instances. Slower levelup and progress. Well not pay to win and subfee. Release date: My guess year 2024 or 2025. During 2023 I do expect ALPHA 2 to come out and then lots of more information.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 27/01/23 10:16 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
what even was the point of this thread... Oh, right. Hmmm, should Larian make a game that is more similar to Elden Ring? Eh probably not, but seeing their attempt would be interesting at least. WTF, stop hijacking my thread for tall tales about Eldon Ring! THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS THREAD WAS STARTED FOR! This thread was started in order to discuss if Larian should produce a open world RPG, in the way of The Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk 2077 or name any of the other great RPG's that you like and are in a open world type of environment (don't you dare bring up Elden Ring!) Something that is NOT turn based, isometric but a real breathing world where you are the adventurer, exploring, saving the Kingdom (or whatever), helping the helpless (or killing them), something that is not as tedious as a turn based game, heck, try RTwP during combat (have a AI that the user can set up and let the characters fight to the death, or pause and take control if your loosing) (yes I know, threes a thread about RTwP already) Get the idea??