@NorthernHick ... Not so long as the second one, but also quite long. smile
Originally Posted by NorthernHick
I don't largely disagree with you that there could stand to be better distrustful interactions.
Exactly my point.

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
(Though I don't agree that the rest of the group is obviously suspicious: if someone's meeting your party for the first time, the only person they'll obviously be suspicious of is Lae'zel. Yes, ALL the party members have dark sides, but the rest of them [vampirism, consorting with demons, Shar worship, and Gale's...um...condition] are 'reveals' that even the PC doesn't know about for a while. If we're talking about reactions based on initial appearances, people would actually see Elf, Half-Elf, Human, Human [Hey, it's the Blade of Frontiers!], and a Gith.)
Nah, i can agree with this ...
Im sory, but it was stated before aswell ... our Tav is made Blind, Deaf, Stupid and Ignorant all together, just for sake of story ...

I do agree with Wyll and Gale ... kinda.
- Gale indeed cant be seen, therefore he was mentioned in my example as THE ONLY potential member of your party who wouldnt raise any eyebrow, bcs at first sight, he is just regular human.
- Wyll ... well, this one is harder, i mean he clearly uses Warlock spells, and in world where Warlocks *exists*, i would dare to say that this should be quite obvious ... one ofc can argue that people should have some Arcana education to reveal him, tho ... so even if not, its still not really relevant, bcs all examples used here was at Druids Grove, and you cant have Wyll in your party yet when your get there. wink
- Shadowheart armor (aswell as her headband, and that weird thing she is wearing in her hair) is litteraly full of Shar symbols ... im sory, but this is one of examples where your character is made blind in order to keep "the secret". This problem was mentioned earlier ... there was even time where i was on the other side of baricade ...
Fun part is that it would be easy to solve this: Shadowheart is a trickery cleric, trickery clerics have Disguise Self as allways prepared spell ... if Larian would simply made her using this magic to altern looks of her armor, it would solve the problem ... also it would be cool as fuck, if she would release the ilusion during that cinematic where she confess to her faith. smile
- Astarion is problematic ... i can understand that people wouldnt believe that is even possible to see Vampire during daylight ... i mean, even that Gur didnt notice and he WAS hunting Vampire. laugh Still, if you take under concideration his visage (blood red eyes, pale skin, fangs, and some markings on neck) ... he should be concidered at least ill ... and therefore potentialy dangerous, there was reason why lepers were not let inside the city in medieval times. smile Sure, one could argue wich of those marks would be vissible on that range, that much is true.
- And Lae'zel is nobrainer, we agreed on her.

And lets not forget, there is also option to have Custom party, to make this REALLY WILD. laugh

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
Where I do disagree is the suggestion that this requires a reinvention of the game.
I dont really remember anyone requesting that. O_o

On the contrary, i stated in this very topic that changes would be minimal and often would require almost no effort ...
See? https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=842140#Post842140

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
What Larian appears to be doing extraordinarily well (though the jury's still out on later-game impacts) is creating an 'evil' path for proceeding through the game, which is really rare to see done well.
Agreed ...
But as stated before, this is not the topic here. :-/

There is no problem in playing an Evil character, that belongs to EvilRACE ... well, yes there is, but not so huge since you still have options.

Problem that we are talking about here is playing EvilRACE character, that is actually NOT Evil himself.

You know like ... gee i dunno ... Drizzt Do'Urden? laugh
Would his book be interesting if litteraly nobody would recognize that he is a Drow?
OR If they would simply state "usualy i dont trust your people, but you seem ok". xD
Hint: Nope.

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
it seems to me that your complaint is more in the nature of the NPC interactions
Well ... yes, that seems corectly to you. laugh
That is the intention here. laugh

What im complaing about (at least here) is that NPCs dont recognize me as EvilRACE ...
How carelessly and friendly are they welcoming a Drow/Duergar/Githyanki/Goblin/etc. in their shop ...
How they are asking a Drow/Duergar/Githyanki/Goblin/etc. to save their skin ...
How they are beging a Drow/Duergar/Githyanki/Goblin/etc. to speak for their child at the court ...
How they are offering a Drow/Duergar/Githyanki/Goblin/etc. to "join their rightfull cause and help them punish this fiend" ...

Its all just ridiculous!
"Please mr. slaver, mass murderer, worshipper of Evil twisted Gods that brings only missery, pain and death ... help me cure my ill child."
What? laugh

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
(As to Minthara using the PC as an infiltrator because the druids trust the PC...well, firstly, the 'trust' only really needs to be giving access, which isn't a high burden; and secondly, even if you were banned from the grove for some reason, add a couple lines of dialogue and a modest amount of code, and suddenly you're joining the goblin army outside the grove to attack it from the outside, for essentially the same battle but from a different position. Or, heck, it's not like the front gate is the only way into the grove...)

I dont really mind that EvilRACES would be allowed to enter the Grove ...
I just feel it should be conditioned somehow ... we should pass some Persuation check, or we should be requested to surrender our weapons (we still have others in our backpack probably, or we can just stash them there ... then guards would want to arest us, if we equip them) ...
Small things like this make every playtrough unique and fun!

Originally Posted by NorthernHick
Should it be harder for a Drow to earn trust in the grove? Sure. But meaningfully making that shift would mostly require a few things: Different dialogue; changing existing (if currently underutilized) game mechanics like reputation; and maybe some different minor side quests. My key point is that what you're asking for actually isn't all that big of an ask, in the overall scheme of the way Larian has approached this project.
Again, exactly my point. smile
Im glad we agree. laugh

@SaurianDruid ... its a long one:
Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
that is a part of the raiding group
I take the liberty to read this as "the one that is closer" ...

Since as it was stated multiple times before, you dont know who is or isnt "part of the raiding group". wink
People just dont have signs "red health = enemy" and "green health = aly" abowe their heads. :-/

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
I would not waste it trying to hit the group that just showed up and are flanking the goblins attacking me.
Well ... they showed simultaneously, at best few seconds difference ...
Wich was also stated before ...

And as stated before, on the same hill are another goblins who (as we as players do, but our curent example character, that NPC Tiefling we are talking about now, dont know) actualy ARE part of "the raiding group attacking your comrades". smile

I wonder why you keep ignoring crucial parts of default setting. :-/

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Based on how the game presents it the player party is immediately hostile to the goblin raiders when they approach.
As stated before, we are not talking about player party ... point of this topic is actions of NPCs towards our player party ... so who is or isnt hostile for player party is irellevant. -_-

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
They aren't even in range of most of the defenders until they've moved closer to engage the raiders.
Indeed? O_o
I would swear that i was able to attack Zevlor (for sure i even killed him few times) from my original position ... but maybe i remember this wrong, or there was some changes then.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
And it'd be a fool who turned around to start attacking someone who just showed up and were attacking the people trying to kill them.
I repeat again:
1) They appear at same time.
2) They didnt attak anyone yet.

What is so hard about this concept? O_o

Turns exists ... PC party is not first ... you (the NPC Tiefling) are first ... you see Goblins:
3 of them are on the ground, with some Bugbear, and one (or two?) Worgs ...
3 of them are on the hill, next to one of those on the hill also are Githyanki, clearly a Shar worshipper and some really weird looking Elf.
This is your situation ... and i repeat (for like 6th time), you are first in turn order, no shots were fired, no hostility was stated, nobody expresed any aeligance to anyone else.

You decided to attack Goblin that is close to Aradin ... that is fine, its your decision ... you say you would be a fool to attack someone else ...
Well ... next turn one of those Goblins on the hill casts Witch Bolt on Aradin and kills him (lets say it was crit) ... still feeling smart? O_o

I mean ... you can, after all you cant kill everyone and one of enemies would attack him anyway, this is just tough luck ... but ... i wouldnt.

And yes, i purposefully didnt say wich one attacked him.
Wanna know why?
Bcs it dont freaking matter!
Even if it would be our GoblinTav, game still dont recognize it ... that is btw, another problem im complaining about ... but lets stay focused on first thing first. laugh

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
I'm sorry, but I can't imagine a scenario where I'd want to kill someone killing my enemies purely based on how they look.
Thats bcs you dont listen ... for 7th time (yes, i will be counting it from now on) ... nobody killed, nor attacked anyone yet.
As long as you keep adding your own valuables, you change scenario ... as long as you keep changing scenario, you dont work with default one ... and therefore, logicaly, you can understand it.

Right now i only wonder if you even realize it, or do it on purpose.

And yes, you have to decide "purely on how they look" ... bcs that is all info you have.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
If I turn around and attack them immediately I risk being overrun by two forces simultaneously for no reason.
Sigh ...
How do you know they are two forces?
(Hint: You dont!)

You can indeed presume they are not together based on his followers ... i can accept that.
Presuming our PC followers seems trustworthy (meaning only Gale ... maaaaaaaaaaaybe Astarion, if we really want to be nice) ...
And presuming our PC even have any followers in the first place. laugh

But lets put theese conditions aside, stated example was Lae'zel, Astarion, Shadowheart and GoblinTav ... lets stick to that.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
As for when to confirm their intentions? The very second they make a hostile action they reveal their intentions.
See this is what im talking about, you again are changing parameters.
(Gods im glad we are not working together, we would drive each other to madness. :D)

For 8th time ... no intentions were revealed, you are F-I-R-S-T in order ...
And you have to decide NOW ... that is how things work in this game.

Anything that happens after you END your turn, is irellevant for THIS example, bcs then situation will change.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Frankly if I am in the position of Zevlor I don't care too much if these people ARE an evil adventuring group. They just killed my enemies and seem willing to keep killing them.
Wich is once aggain completely different situation, but if you want to talk about this aswell ...

Yes, some gratiture makes sense ...
On the other hand tho, universal friendly welcome from whole grove seems a bit extreme ...

We are clearly different people, but if i would be in the position of Zevlor, i would still require some ensurances from them ... as also stated abowe, things like surendering your weapons, warning that guards will keep extra eye on them, and only if they promise to behave and will seem thrustworthy (persuation check) ... i would be willing to allow them to enter.
Its called being carefull.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
I don't have any good options left because the druids have gone crazy and the last group of adventurers I hired ended up unable to get the job done.
I dont know what group of adventurers you are talking about.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
What should I do? Attack my last chance to maybe save my people because they look suspicious?
Depends on wich scenario are we talking about.

The one i presented? They just appeared on the hill?
Then yes, you should attack them ... bcs at that point they are not last chance for your people.

Or the one you keep replacing it with? They attacked another Goblin?
Then no, you should not attack them ... enemy of my enemy is, well at least usefull tool ... you should still be carefull tho, politely and carefully explain to them your situation, ask them to submit your conditions, and only(!!!) if they show they are willing to help, try to push it even futher.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
You do not make an enemy of a bystander
Its getting old allready, doenst it? -_-

Sigh ...
Okey, how do you know they are "a bystander"?
(Hint: You dont!)

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Option B will almost definitely get your people killed, while option A only might based on an assumption of the second group's intentions.
That seems like overstatement ...

Are you taking under concideration relative damage potential difference between Fighter with 1h ... and Wizard?

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Not to mention that the second group is on the other side of the raiders. Your melee guys will be getting shredded without cover fire while you try to snipe across the map at people who may have no cause to attack you.
I dont see what are you trying to say here. O_o

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Plus the way the fight is set up to take the hill they need to have already started attacking a few of the raider goblins, so you immediately know they aren't on Team Absolute.
What? O_o

Why would they need to attack anyone to start on the hill? o_O
You can start there quite easily.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
When the group first appears and have made no move to say who they are or what they intend

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
there's no advantage in attacking them.
True ...

Except disabling potentialy hostile caster that can cause much more problems than some lowly, rusty-scimitar wawing Goblins. laugh

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
Once they DO move they are attacking the goblin raiders so I know they are enemies of my enemies and will act accordingly.
You mean IF they attack Goblin raiders ...

You still are taking aeliganges under concideration. :-/

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
The one who did not arrive with the other goblins and is standing with a bunch of non-goblins is the one I wouldn't immediately try to kill.
I gues everyone should have right to make his own misstakes. smile

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
If you're asking how I don't get it confused with the attacking goblins once battle is joined and things get messy
Eh ... nope, that was not my question.

Originally Posted by SaurianDruid
tl;dr: I wouldn't attack a second group that just stood there watching the battle, as that turns them into an enemy regardless of what they intended to do. I also wouldn't attack the second group if I saw them attacking my enemy, as they are killing my enemy for me and that directly benefits me. If they make a hostile move toward my guys THAT is when I'll respond in kind, because at that point they have demonstrated their intent to do me harm.
Aaaand that was not my question either. frown
But i gues thats the best i get. :-/

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 29/01/23 12:40 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown