Originally Posted by hotmac
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Literally almost every modern RPG is closer to what you are describing...
-Bioware games (Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, KOTOR)
-Bethesda games (The Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series, Starfield eventually, ESO)
-Obsidian games (The Outer Worlds, KOTOR 2, Avowed eventually, Outer Worlds 2 eventually)
-A bunch of Ubisoft games (Assassin's Creed games from Origins onward)
-Lately, Spiders games (Greedfall, Greedfall 2 eventually)
-Half of all JRPGs, including Square Enix games and Monolith Soft games (Many Final Fantasy titles and Xenoblade titles)
-Some Capcom Games (Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Dogma 2 eventually).
-If you're cool without having a dialogue-based story, Elden Ring.
-Outward was a thing apparently.

The Open World real time action RPG genre is oversaturated. For the record, I would like an over-the-shoulder camera, but I think there's nothing to add with real time combat. Larian should stick with turn-based combat, as that is what they have revolutionized, what they are good at, and what sets them apart from much of the genre. There's nothing stopping WOTC from handing the license to another developer to make an open world real time party-based action RPG set in the Forgotten Realms.

I have played about 90% of the games listed above, certainly the big names (no, not Elden Ring) but look at those titles, they are decades old!
Dragons Dogma:Arisen - 2013, maybe we will get DD 2 in 2024/25
Dragon Age:Origins 2009, perhaps a new release of DA in 2024 (2023 id we are lucky)
Elder Scrolls/Skyrim same thing OLD GAMES with perhaps a new ES in 2024/25
No Fallout in sight, Starfiled will be the new FAllout
Masseffect, well, we did get the Legendary edition (remake of all 3 games)a few years ago (great games)

Point is, even though we have many great studios making these games, the games are far and few in between!
Why, I don't know, it seems that games take so much longer to produce even though we have far superior tools than what was available a decade ago, perhaps our expectations have grown to such levels that it takes a long time to produce a game on the other hand, long standing franchises that have not retrieved any follow ups, WHY, is it b/c studios are brain dead, no new ideas as to what to make the story about (which I suspect)

So, adding Larian to the mix of studios to make these RPG's would be a good thing. But even with that, DOS II came out in what 2017 and now six years later we are getting BG3!

MY life span has a limit!
So in the next 5 years (which is the amount of time it takes to develop a game of the size you are talking about), we can expect:
-Starfield and a New Elder Scrolls from Bethesda
-Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 from Obsidian
-Dragon's Dogma 2
-New Dragon Age AND New Mass Effect from Bioware
-SEVERAL new CD Projekt Red Games which are Open World RPGs (one of which MAY feature companions)
-Many new titles in the genre that you and I have never played.

If Larian were to start on an open world real time party rpg TOMORROW, we still wouldn't see it until 2027-2028 at the EARLIEST. And they would be competing with at least 8 (likely WAY more) games in the same space. Larian is going to have to make the case to the consumer (more than just you) that their game is worth playing over any other competitor. How? They don't have the same experience in open world generation as Bethesda. Their graphics don't compete with other massive studios. Their writing is good, but I wouldn't call it revolutionary. They don't do companions as well as past titles.

Don't get me wrong, hotmac. I love the kinds of games you are talking about too. In fact, they are my favorite kind of game, and I would like to see more of them. But I think asking LARIAN, which revolutionized turn-based 3D top-down CRPGs and permutation gameplay in the CRPG scene (where it was more of an immersive sim thing before), to be the one to drop everything and produce what everyone else is already producing is a mistake.

Also, the reason why the games are taking longer to develop is because of higher expectations. Everyone wants a bigger world, with more depth, and more characters, with more unique interactions, and greater environmental interactivity, and longer games, and more replayability, all with the most cutting edge graphics. And every time someone revolutionizes the game, the goal moves further and further away.

Last edited by Zerubbabel; 30/01/23 11:45 AM.

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