I also sent out a letter to the creator of the website: (Here it is...comments or constructive criticism welcome...)
I am a Riftrunner fan. You may recall that Kiya sent out an email giving suggestions as to what to do about the downvoting...a copy...
Hi Tomas,
thank you very much for fixing and informing me. As I'm a newbie in this voting business I forwarded your suggestion to the other gamers. They say, someone could be fast and use up all 50 votes - downvoting - and your site would turn into a lair of lions prowling on each other:
The "bad guys" can "downvote" 50 times in 5 minutes if they want to, while "upvoting" their favorite game, leaving the fair voters no chance at all anymore to vote... It's probably even easier to abuse it that way because you can't counter it efficiently.
The problem here is : you just vote 50 times with dynamic ip adres. and the "normal voters" cannot vote anymore...
We have other suggestions, here a few out of the idea pool:
no log in = no vote...
Users must register if they wish to vote, and then only be able to vote one vote, per game, per day,
not every four days - that's probably where the problem is starting... So you have 10 votes/day but only one for each game.
I think visibility may be an idea. You can only vote if you log in under a specific user name which you have registered. Another condition can be set into place. A person can look at a user's profile and see how they have voted on different games. People might be less likely to vote 1's if they know others will find out who it is that is doing it.
A temporary registration - even gamers with a vivid phantasy should have troubles of registering in 50xhour and always using a different name? And you have to hit the reg.-button BEFORE you can vote? The reg.-nick is stored somewhere, so same nicks can't vote? Registration is merely done via mail-addy? Even this slows down.
AND surplus the chance to vote again when something new has come out for that game. Like a new interview or so.
So, our wish would be this:
Please change your regulations and let only registered members vote your poll. I believe, you can control this better then:
One vote per day per game - making a total of 10 voting possibilities for 10 different games.
BTW, I tested my voting speed a few days ago: I need between 14-19 sec/vote or 2x as much, if my IP had already voted.
Thank you very much for your interest, looking forward to your answer
yours sincerely
a very relieved Kiya
Kiya claims no answer until yet and we would really like a response to these ideas as soon as possible.
Anyway, I and other Riftrunner fans including Kiya are concerned about your recent response to Riftrunner's number of votes. A large number of them were deleted. Some of the Riftrunner fans want a detailed explanation as to why this was done. Some of us have expressed concern over the excessive amount of downvoting directed towards Riftrunner compared to other games. I feel that Riftrunner's voting is bound to go up. Some of us are caught in a dilemma as we feel it is unfair that we are experiencing so many negative votes and want to compensate by voting more. Yet, if we do decide to vote more, we don't know what the consequences will be. If we vote less, we experience the attack of downvoting which we don't want. For a long time, many of us have followed a policy of only voting our own game with high ratings but there are others who have even declared downvoting to be an act of war and are considering downvoting other games. I don't want to turn this into a war but some emotions are running high. If downvoting starts to become a norm, I feel the voting environment is not going to be conducive any more. Will the site administrators decide to reduce the number of votes or will they do something else? Some of us would like answers to these concerns. This is becoming a time sensitive issue for some.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Please respond as soon as possible.