Lockmar my friend, I do understand your moral motivations quite well and I respect them and even admire them. Nevertheless, down to earth is quite different from clouds of glory and the second return.

The Larian fans did not start the hostile activity but we were shocked to find that we are being down-voted for no justifiable reason.

We did begin with the ethical and good path and tried to passively keep our rating from falling but it did not work well.

Our Elite warriors volunteered to counter the attacks in a good way and we ended up having more than 5000 votes deleted.

You may sing about preserving nature while sitting in front of your computer and in a clean and air-conditioned room; but when you sit on the ground inside a forest and mosquitoes feed on you while swarms of ants cut patiently and relentlessly at you to store you for their winter food you shall begin cursing and yelling “burn them all”.

Ethics are great to start with and morals are wonderful for a peaceful Utopia, but when you suffer the barbaric damages you might rethink and evaluate the truth of your ethics.

Of course we do have the option of forgetting completely about voting and letting those non moral enemies win.
We may choose not to give them a lesson; we may choose to commit suicide and escape from this life altogether most cowardly to preserve our morals and ethics.

Indeed it is a philosophical question of values but it is also a logical integrity issue.
I always vote against contradiction, because I think that my high ethics and my great morals are worth defending.

The choice:
We may let those who practice anti-ethical procedures defeat us because we refrain from behaving in an unethical manner defending our ethics (contradiction)
We may practice anti-ethical procedures to defend our ethics (contradiction)
We may choose contradiction OR contradiction for tactics, but we still have strategies to defend here.
If we are forced to contradict ourselves any way on tactics, at least we may defend the major strategies.
Are we Larian fans or not?
It is time to make a decision.
We are either Larian fans or not.
We may not be both or none.
Are we Larian fans or not?

Up voting our game is seen as a hostile act by those who wish to keep their game on top.
This is classically called competition.
They realised that they were loosing.
They started to down vote our game because they are using all their power to bring us down while they boost their game up.
Are we going to surrender to their war tactics or fight back?
We can outnumber them and outwit them too.
Shall we?

Last edited by DAD; 14/08/03 05:30 AM.