I would like to know
- Full list of playable races and classes which will be available at launch.
- Any fixes and additions to certain classes (looking at you Paladin)
- If a crafting system is implemented, Id like to know about it (i really hope they dont implement anything Else other than whats in game on that front btw).
- Any details/clarifications on total party/camp size after chapter 1. (Ive heard rumours that one needs to drop a couple after chapter 1)
- If language proffiencies will be a thing
- How many chapters there are in The game.
-whether or not post release patcher will be save compatible.
- How many Steam achievementd there are (if any). Please please please implement Larian.
Think thats about it pre release

. Wouldnt want to be spoilerd too much. That being said I will prolly Watch newer trailers again and again :P