Hi Dad,

I'm going to address some of your concerns piece by piece:
The Larian fans did not start the hostile activity but we were shocked to find that we are being down-voted for no justifiable reason.

We did begin with the ethical and good path and tried to passively keep our rating from falling but it did not work well.

Our Elite warriors volunteered to counter the attacks in a good way and we ended up having more than 5000 votes deleted.

Our path of maintaining Riftrunner's rating worked quite well actually. We did maintain our rating despite being downvoted many times. The fact that 5000 votes were deleted didn't really make me angry although it did trigger concern because even though so many votes were deleted, our rating remained unchanged.

You may sing about preserving nature while sitting in front of your computer and in a clean and air-conditioned room; but when you sit on the ground inside a forest and mosquitoes feed on you while swarms of ants cut patiently and relentlessly at you to store you for their winter food you shall begin cursing and yelling “burn them all”.

If I were ever placed in this hypothetical situation, I would calmly assess my options and instead of swearing at the ants and mosquitoes, I'd simply move away from that environment. Mosquitoes and ants do what they do because it is part of the process of life. An animal may protest strongly against being hunted and killed by humans. So might a plant. It is said that every living thing is a murderer. It's sometimes a matter of perspective. Being aware of this dynamic might make you more forgiving the next time you see ants or mosquitoes. Remember...like you, they are also trying to survive.

We may let those who practice anti-ethical procedures defeat us because we refrain from behaving in an unethical manner defending our ethics (contradiction)
We may practice anti-ethical procedures to defend our ethics (contradiction)

I admit now that both your actions and my actions might be seen as unethical. I along with others have voted for Riftrunner more than once within a four day period. This is definitely breaking the rules set forth by the site administrators of voting once every four days and could be considered unethical from a certain perspective. As I've said before, we have not been defeated by maintaining our ratings.

Are we Larian fans or not?
It is time to make a decision.
We are either Larian fans or not.
We may not be both or none.
Are we Larian fans or not?

We are both Larian fans even though we may have different ideas about how to achieve the same goal(more publicity for Riftrunner). This is where we share common ground. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Are we going to surrender to their war tactics or fight back?

I am not really surrendering to their war tactics. To do so would be to not vote at all. I am not fighting back either as that would imply downvoting other games. There is no competition in one sense because I am simply focused on raising or maintaining Riftrunner's rating without a focus on what the rating of other games are. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />


Last edited by Lockmar; 14/08/03 07:00 AM.

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." -Ursula K. Le Guin www.hungersite.com