Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Shove doesn't make sense as one "more things to do".
If they wants us to have more things to do with our bonus action, they should use them for weapons attacks.
Kind of fast "manoeuvers" that cost bonus action or slower/more complex manoeuvers that cost action+bonus action.

They could have also added a lot more common things to do... like throwing a rope to climb (consume bonus action + full movement so you can't climb after you throw it - just a suggestion to balance it).

The game doesn't have to look like a shove fest to give players more things to do.
This is a role playing game and what role playing game need is options / actions to play your role.
This kind of shove bonus action, as currently designed and balance, is not something someone would ever role play with because it wouldn't make any sense in any players minds.

I think using a bonus action for an additional weapon attack would be more OP than shove. Shove doesn't necessarily do damage unless you're well positioned. I'd be fine with shove becoming a full action but I doubt I would use it much. Having it as a bonus action gives you some tactical options, especially if your main attack misses. You can push the enemy away from you so you don't trigger an opportunity attack or you can yeet them off a cliff or into lava depending on positioning. It definitely makes you think a little more about using the environment to your advantage. And it helps you not feel so helpless if your main attack misses.

Having shove as a full action could also get really annoying when enemies have multiple actions too. It's already a bit annoying as it is. I think the shove distance is really the problem.