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Here now follow step by step over the entire Auntie Ethel Arc several dozens of screenshots to inconsistencies: The first screenshot shows Auntie Ethel in Druid Grove with her Hag stats. On the second screenshot in the swamp she has only the usual 10 stats and that is correct and less suspicious... Also, in the first screenshot you can see the designation: "Verkäuferin von Macken und Sonstigem".. I have never heard such a thing in German and I am a native speaker. Maybe it's supposed to be a variation of "Krimskrams", but that fits better to the junk dealer Mattis and doesn't do any credit to Auntie Ethel. She herself speaks in the English original of "Lotions & Potions which means in German: "Salben & Tränken" (--> Heilsalben & Zaubertränken) and should also be translated so clearly. Indeed she sells mainly Lotions & Potions which fits better to her alchemy background ... If you try to steal from Auntie Ethel (without invisibility), the trade dialogue is opened. But it is not translated into German. If you steal something from Auntie Ethel's table by invisibility (otherwise it is not possible), she notices it and leaves. So far so good. But when you meet her later in the swamp or Tea House, she makes no reference to it, which I find a pity. During the dialogue with the first Sheep / Redcap, my Bard's hair merges with the plant in the background. The German dialogue describes the Redcap as having a red hat. More appropriate and consistent would be "rote Kappe" or, as an alternative description, "rote Mütze".
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 12:13 PM.
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Please have more courage to avoid anglicisms and gallicisms. The old German language is immersion-technically predestined for RPGs and even gender-appropriate: "Säugling", "Sprössling", "Kind" or better "Kindchen", "Nachwuchs" or more abstractly: "Meine Zukunft" (from Auntie Ethel's perspective) are excellent here. Of course, there are also some passages in the English original where the gender is emphasized and that can be translated like this: "baby girl" --> "kleines Mädchen". Context Mayrina's infant / offspring as future for Auntie Ethel. Better translation: "Eurem Sprössling darf doch nichts zustoßen, oder?" Context Speak with Dead - Blind Elf at the entrance gallery. Better translations: "Meine Familie nahm mein Kindchen... mein kleines Mädchen..." and "Alles egal... nichts von Bedeutung... ohne... mein Kindchen..." Rogue mussel? at entrance gallery - not reachable... Not only in Auntie Ethel's Tea House, but everywhere in the game there are this sort of crates called "open crate". But the German translation speaks of the activity of opening a crate ("Kiste öffnen"). Correctly it should read "Offene Kiste".
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 08:48 PM.
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The book in question is entitled: The Purified Palate (Winter Edition). The correct translation is: "Wer kein Zwergisch spricht: [...]". Even though it is grammatically correct to speak of the female transliteration ("ihren Schrei") in the case of the door, it is the man who became the Gnarled Door. So the sentence must also read: "*Flieh, spürst du seinen Schrei.*". The dialogue with the Gnarled Door can be chosen so that you can see the MC in the scenes as he is bitten down by the hag and lies in his own pool of blood. For each scene a corresponding image is displayed except for this linked scene, which remains black and which is probably an error: *Her teeth, a series of deadly needles, gleam as they sink into your throat - blood spurts*. In another scene, two Paladins and a female Cleric are shown. The German translation erroneously mentions a male cleric. It should be read: "[..] Zwei Paladine und eine Klerikerin [...]".
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 05:01 PM.
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From the green marked text it is clear that Magron is female. Accordingly, this must also be taken into account in the description of her head: "Der Kopf dieser Elfin [...]". There is a table with cursed "Whispering Mask" helmets. When you put them on, a cutscene is played, which is repeated an additional time in exactly the same way after the first one. Here you can see a totally weird hair discoloration bug that came about as follows: I used a Potion of Invisibility with my party and snuck past Ethel's enslaved masks minions. Then I jumped through the waterfall and it removed the invisibility. So far so good, but my female character's hair turned partially blonde as a result. Normally she has Raven Black hair with Midnight Highlight color. In this description (of Auntie Ethel's condition), the German translation "[...] auf massives Metall. [...]" makes no sense at all. Probably it should be "[...] aus massivem Metall. [...]".
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 04:51 PM.
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The last three answers all lead to the same result if the particular dice roll is successful. Why are there two Intimitation options at all? Why can't the 5th option lead to the following midway result: You succeed and get both rewards or just one each, BUT you can betray Auntie Ethel after receiving the reward and still finish her off. Oh, probably because of a reunion in Baldur's Gate with her sisters? - Then there should simply be added more answer options with corresponding outcomes. Missing translation at the end: "+1 Attributspunkt". WTF no one says "Kopfhautlappen" in German. Just name it "Skalp" or "Ethels Skalp" borrowed from: https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Bandit_ScalpThe first sentence should read: "Das wollte sie.... meinen "Säugling." or, alternatively, abstracted "Das wollte sie... mein Erstgeborenes." (based on the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale) instead of "Säugling". If you accept Mayrina's Locket as payment, she insists that it would be worth quite a bit, but the actual value is just one gold piece. On top of that, it's also a non-saleable quest item.... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't add up... If instead only a high ideal value for Mayrina herself should be meant, this does not become clear at all in this particular dialogue / translation...
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 07:00 PM.
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If you use Speak with Dead on Auntie Ethel, she is very aggressive and hostile, but only if you didn't loot her Tarnished Talisman... If you loot her first and then cast Speak with Dead on her, she has a different dialogue. And here is the problem with this approach: I find it strange that the question about her valuables only appears in the dialogue after I have already looted her. The question about her valuables should appear in the other dialogue, that is, when you haven't looted her body yet, including the Tarnished Talisman.... Tarnished Talisman item. Here the context is described as the Tarnished talisman lights up on her body. Because of the Tarnished talisman, Auntie Ethel immediately takes the floor and berates us. Our first answer option confirms their very lively state of consciousness... However, if we have looted her before, the reaction / initial dialogue is completely different and we can nonsensically ask for her valuables (option 3). This particular question, as I said, should be available at the other dialogue where we just haven't looted her yet.... The dative does not apply here. The correct plural form of amethyst in German is "die Amethyste", see also: https://www.verbformen.de/deklination/substantive/Amethyst.htm
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 07:09 PM.
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The Potion: A Mother's Loathing grants the drinker the gift of Bite, a powerful, rechargeable attack lasting until the next long rest. The strange thing. The animation resembles Astarion Vampiric Bite, but does not restore health. That's ok, but the regeneration animation is totally superfluous and misleading. If you approach Mayrina outside by her husband's coffin and then refuse to give her the wand, or if you want to kill her Zombie husband, she becomes hostile and at that moment the surviving enslaved mask minions at Vettel's Lair suddenly become hostile as well, even though we are nowhere near them. The screenshot shows how the camera displays this...
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 07:34 PM.
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If one steals the faded note of the Mask of Servitude and reads it, then it is to be seen that with the first of the three identically meant sentences an "r" is missing in the German translation. See marking. With the Mask of Regret, the last two answers from her are only shown in the log, but not in the text box, because it always just says "Continue (cutscene pending)". The first sentence should read translated: "Meine Kinder waren Neugeborene, als ich fort bin." After we take out Auntie Ethel, Gandrel is still alive, and we contact him, he still talks about the lady of the house waiting for our visit. Here I would have hoped for an update with an appropriate reaction from Gandrel to the demise of Auntie Ethel.
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 08:48 PM.
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If you address the Confused Frog with Speak with Animals and always choose the first answer option, it will lead you to a hidden pouch as a reward. It is possible to get the reward only if you apply Speak with Animals. When you arrive at your destination, a dialogue window opens, which is more like a team dialogue or a scene of being caught stealing, instead of a standard dialogue. The reward is a hidden bag. It is also possible to find the bag much earlier, if there is a successful perception check. If you have selected the second dialogue option with an emphasis on "payment" while Speak with Animal is active, then the Confused Frog remains in its original location and there seems to be no reward at all. I haven't noticed anything about this. Sometimes in similar situations there is gold as a reward, BUT the big problem here is, it doesn't show up anywhere in the log or anywhere else how much gold you have gotten... If you sell or select the Whispering Masks, background music will play, similar to the Soul Coins. But it doesn't end, only after restarting the game. This shouldn't be the case.
Last edited by Lotus Noctus; 03/02/23 09:48 PM.