Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Sorry, @Ragnarok, I don’t understand your last question quoted here?
Oh its not even really a question. smile

I just feel that in some cases (but i admit it may be due to my bad english) that WotC simply dont want to give deffinitve answers, that in some cases there simply is no "official way" to do things, bcs rules can be read in multiple ways and they all are corect.
It feels a little like someone was wondering about it, and then decided to leave it vague as it is, bcs everyone will automatickly pick the way they wants to read it ... so there is no point in making things extra precise anyway. laugh

You know ... like:
Forum: How should we read it.
WotC: As it is written.
Forum: But it can be read in two different ways!
WotC: Yup.
Forum: So, wich one of them is corect?
WotC: Both of them are corect.
Forum: But they exclude each other.
WotC: Yeah, we know.
Forum: So?
WotC: Both of them are corect, you pick.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 03/02/23 03:07 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown