Well you are corect that this cant really aply to computer game ... computers are exact machines and everything must be defined precisely in order to work ...
There is no "maybe" or "random" for computers, such concepts are way beyond their curent capabilities. smile

The only loosening we can find here, are situations when Larian read the source in their own way. smile
Or just changing it completely. laugh

Originally Posted by The_Red_Queen
Or do you just mean that we should be more comfortable with WotC leaving the rules open to interpretation and DMs making the call where there’s ambiguity?
Yes, basicaly that.

I dont really want to wrong WotC ...
But i know that if i would be writing the rules, i wouldnt go too deep into it either ... for one, you only give amunition to people who demand to play their way ... and for two, even tho some people can manage to have such conversation polite as this topic shows, there is many of them that are quite toxic about it.

I have one stabile group, we play over discord (if that is of any significance), and even tho we sometimes had really bad player, luckily our DM is autoritative enough to defend his ground. smile
But from other games (mainly Bang!, if you know that, its card game) that i play on family/school/wow guild reunions ... i know that some people are able to argue (litteraly, he was talking about it even after the game was over) for hours repeating that single mention that supports their interpretation of rules, refusing to let go, and refusing to go on until everyone allows them to act the way they want. :-/
When that happened, i really wish Bang! to have some DM that would have option to just say "its going to be THIS WAY and we are done talking about it, if you dont like it, leave". frown

So, yeah ... i gues we should be more comfortable with not so strict rules in my opinion. smile
It allows us to read it in our own way and luckily enough, if there is any argument ... this game provides us person with strong enough autority to pick for us. smile

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 04/02/23 08:01 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown