Isn't that what we are doing here?

Discussing the implementation of a rule that was changed by the "DM" to make him reconsider? And if Larian keeps it that way we can decide if it is so gamebreaking for us to stop playing or just live with it.

In the case of shove, the derivation from the 5e rules is pretty drastic and i guess that is the reason why it is discussed since day one.

Here i would say WotC should actually intervene (i would if something like this happened, since this is not a 5 man PnP session).

Even if you say it is an interpretation, we have a poll and a lot of posts. Most of the people agree that shove can not stay as is, even if the solutions vary. This beeing so one sided would make me think if it were my game. Those are my customers after all. Just beein stubborn because im the Dev is...well...
not good. To say it mildly.