Originally Posted by etonbears
Personally, I don't care so much about the physical tabletop experience, I am much more interesteed in how the "digital" experience evolves, and I am not sure that current D&D has much to offer there, as it would need to re-invent itself to be ground-breaking in the digital medium.
Ironically, I'm very interested in this too. (My gamer friends, not so.)

If you matched a Chat GPT DM with digital assets (terrain tiles, monsters, quest plots, NPCs, campaign canon journal) it could theoretically become an excellent gaming experience.

Just imagine if WotC's VTT project linked say FR lore (including story from BG3!) with a personalized adventure story plot that you and any friends could plug into whenever. It'd be like a real DM running a personalized campaign at your leisure; that 3 _huge_ selling points.

End of day, quality of product, and subsequent word-of-mouth, will destroy critics (look at Hogwarts!).

Thing is, can WotC pull off something of this magnitude? Probably not, but I would be delighted to feast on humble pie and be wrong.