Originally Posted by UnknownEvil
will try it out, thx. im using visual studio code anyway, that should be able to handle it.

To make shove like 5e just making it an action is still not correct. Have you tried attacking one time and then doing a shove or the other way around after making it an action? (only works on lvl characters with extra attack)

Yes, you can shove and attack but not attack and shove.

That's something Lostsoul have done in his combatactions mod but it doesn't work in mine. I don't have enough skills to add/edit scripts. I tried to practice with Lostsoul's script once but I just broke the game 😅

Originally Posted by LostSoul
The modding discord is a very helpful place to learn about installing and making mods.

This is so true ! The modding community is awesome.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 06/02/23 02:11 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus