Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by mrfuji3
a.) This is in the General section of the forum, so comments don't need to suggest anything here.
b.) A lot of general video game/rpg/D&D discussion happens on these forums; I personally am mostly here for that at this point. This thread in particular is about other games/game engines, not BG3 specifically.
c.) You can hate the engine and still like the game, if the various game mechanics/storytelling/characters/etc are good enough to outweigh the inherent negatives of the engine.
d.) Larian are (mainly "were" at this point imo) actively soliciting feedback for BG3, so participating in this form makes it more likely that the game will improve for you.
e.) Although unlikely, posting criticisms of the current engine might influence Larian to make some changes in their next engine. E.g., if their engine can't handle a full pause (it almost certainly can), then enough people advocating for a full pause on these forums could result in Larian adding that functionality for future games.

Edit. f.) sometimes you just want to rant

Counterpoint: spending three years as one of the most frequent users on the forum of a game you’ve hated at every stage of early access development is weird ass behavior. He is well in his right to do it, but at this point he knows his concerns won’t be addressed and everybody who has been here long enough to recognize his name knows he hates the game. It be weird. I’m sure there must be some psychological term for it given how much of the internet is built around negative engagement.
feel free to block them then. You'll never have to deal with it again. All you're doing now is being unkind.