I'm nonstop up since yesterday 4.00 pm = 27 hrs., so my tone may seem curt. Rince and I fought/watched for the forum/gathered data. 3 mails were sent to the site: developer/admin/manager.

Attacks stopped, we had a peaceful day and totally normal votes. The site seems to be doing something. I want to have an answer from them first. The datas we gathered and presented seem to have convinced them. I have no info what they have done/plan to do. I need this info first.

If we torpedo them by unfair upvoting = SPAMvoting, we will lose credit. We want to help Riftrunner, then we should do it wisely. Impatience, revenge or whatsoever is not helpful. If we demand fair play, we should play fair, too. As long as the site "protects" us, we're in a good position. If my suspicion is correct, we need the site cooperating with us! Therefore: Please vote correctly, watch the votes on the other games and don't let RR exceed with the vote amount.

We were bashed to 10 in a few days, we will need much longer to go up again.

Conclusion/Advice: We should wait for an answer - and in the meantime vote correctly according to the rules they have.

Remember this, please: If my suspicion is correct, the site is innocent and the other games also.

I will refrain from voting totally until I have an answer. I want to be on the safe side, I don't know what they have in their logfiles about my IPs. I don't want to endanger RR.

Last edited by kiya; 18/08/03 05:24 PM.