Yes, I think it is a bit OP but I don't think it ruins the game.

Usually in RPGs there are certain builds that outperform others, but for this type of game specially I don't see a problem with that because:

-A big part of the enjoyment of the game is based on making that build you want to work, like for example: let's make the party with the most familiar/pets/minions possible; or a full martial classes party, no spells or arcana proficiency bullshit.
-The narrative is key. Look at my name, I love sneaking an surprising enemies, but most of the time if you start battles with surprise you lose dialogues and all that, so I usually don't do it that much.
-Even games based on the "fame" of it's difficulty usually have OP builds that simplify the game a bunch like Dark Souls / Elden Ring.
-That you find an OP build that simplifies the game is not crazy, you've joined the early access of an RPG 3 years ago. This games are developed for people that will replay it but also for people that this might be their first approach to an RPG, so there is nothing wrong to give tham a more accesible playstyle, sneaking around is a low risk approach.
-Here in the forum i've found some post of people asking to make some encounters easier because they can't find a way to resolve them, I haven't had that problem but here it's a someting to have in mind.

Anyway, how do you resolve it?

-Let's say we make stealth a bit more difficult because enemies move around more, or have a wider perspective. But, the game has a reload mechanic, people that want to do stealthy kills will do it anyway, it's just more inconvenient.
-We tuned down the benefits of sneaking around. No surprise rounds, or advantages... that's going against 5e rules, which there is no problem in that but it's kinda weird to me, also because enemies can surprise us too, so we would be making some encounters easier.

I think that from my point of view the most important thing is that, this isn't a hard game whether you stealth kill or not, there is no gratification because you were able to beat the game. It's more of a game that rewards you (with fun) for being curious and creative, beating it doesn't mean anything.

As an example to this is the D:OS2 build of running around with a heavy object with telekinesis and one-shotting everything. I never used that, now, did it ruin the game in general for people? Nope, some people did it, and had a lot of fun because they like to do those types of things but it didn't affect the enjoyment of the game in general.

It's an RPG, we can choose how we want to play it.