If you guys think is OP now, just wait for multi-class and rogue's Assassin subclass with guaranteed crits on hits against surprised enemies eek

I don't think is that bad, I'm pretty sure most people would have to tinker around for a while to make it work as well as you guys imply, at least in the big encounters. I mean, I killed Auntie Ethel in her lair with stealth without letting her act and with her maintaining her mask companions alive, I cheesed it hard, but I don't know, I don't really find a problem in that because I had to do a bit of set up.
It feels like when people complains about games being too easy, yet they spent two hours looking guides on how to properly build their characters.

Thing is, we can argue if it's okay or not, what I think is a bit more meaningful if we at least suggest solutions.