I would like a mega-thread with suggestions on how to improve it. Can I help in making that possible?

+1 on changing Hiding to cost an action, I have trouble understanding why they choose to make it cost a bonus action, maybe to mitigate the absence of quarter/half cover?

+1 Entering turn based combat when someone attacks: when one of your teammates enter combat I don't think others should enter combat too, but you should enter turn-based mode as by 5e rules, every round is supposed to be 6 seconds in game time, so if not your kinda doing Max Payne's bullet time.

+1 Chequing things not triggering combat properly: There are a bunch, specially when doing range attacks, they feel more like bugs than design choices though.

+1? Involving sound: I don't think this one is that hard to implement, it might be tricky to properly show the player but could be cool, should be balanced with the range attackers because this will affect melee specially. The cool thing is that it might help specially with "invisibility", because now it's super strong.
Some creatures could have better or worse hearing also, as in owls in DnD among many other creatures:
Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Could also bring into play using Silence spell more, making the choice of changing armor for an encounter, seems fun.

With those changes stealth will still be really powerful, but will feel less as an exploit and there are many more probably.

Last edited by SneakyHalfling; 04/03/23 03:54 AM.