Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by SneakyHalfling
I've made this quick image on a method that might be useful, adding a hearing circle and a noise produced ONLY when sneaking.

[Linked Image from wolkestudio.com.ar]

If the two circle touch/merge, a stealth roll is made.

If you aren't using armor that gives disadvantage you don't "produce" noise. One could make a system where your dexterity modifier makes your circle smaller, but the general idea is, if you want to go past a enemy, remove your armor and if you want to gank on him with an attack, you at least give up some AC unless you invest some hefty points in dexterity.
I think two circles in an overdesign. I think you either want to have your pc "ping" characters within the vacinity (think: Mark of the Ninja - I think it would be good, if for example different actions were to produce different amount of noise: so smaller ping when walking, larger one when making a jump, perhaps even bigger is casting a spell/attacking.

I think it is too much granuality, and simple enemy hearing range would suffice - if character enters it, they make stealth check - with disadvantage if they are wearing armor. hearing range is shorten then vision cone and isn't hampered by light. That would be distinction enough.

They might look a bit too much but have in mind that:
• that horrific image I did is like an example to explain the functionality, not the look and feel of what could come out. It could be way more easy on the eyes (I like the Mark of the Ninja call too)
• the character circle only applies for characters when the character has armor with disadvantage in stealth checks. If you have many you probably aren't sneaking around in encounters (and shouldn't), and if you have just a few, it would be useful to have a clear indication of where you can go.

On the different noises:
• Using spells breaks the stealth, so you are getting caught from way farther.
• Attacking breaks stealth also, unless missing the attack (I think) which is really weird and should be changed.
• And finally jumping, it would make sense to have it make more noise (so widenning the cuircle let's say) but I think is clearer if you just can't go there.

So, there aren't really many things to do while sneaking, most of them would break stealth, and some I wouldn't make the produce more sound because they are probably just annoyances with out purpose (like making noise from coating a weapon with poison).

The application I have in mind is somewhat of a deterrent, if you have those type of armors just don't try it, and the solution seems simple to understand from the user standpoint, and to make (I think) from the devs standpoint.