Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
Why use smaller detection range if you remove cones?
Personally, I don't enjoy the length of vision cones. Too often character whose vision I am trying to avoid isn't even on screen, which I find unenjoyable. Yes, giving characters that wide of a detection range as you suggest, would probably be "realistic" but I don't think it would make for a good gameplay. At this moment Larian has two extremes. A very long and difficult to avoid detection in vision cones and complete lack of it when flanking the character. All I am suggesting is to even it out - give them "medium" detection range surrounding them.

As I see it, what is vision cones function in Baldur's Gate3 as a game?

1) blocking paths/access to items/chests
2) making ambushes trickier?
3) making pickpocketing trickier.

A medium sized detection circle (when I say smaller, I think smaller than vision cone, but larger than what was in the mockup screenshot above - perhaps 1,5-2x larger - something to be of decent size, but still leave enough free space on screen to manouver around). I think that would fulfill the game's need

As I continue thinking of it vision cone's range comes useful to counteract BG3 broken in-combat stealth. With smaller detection range only it would only make it even easier to disappear and sneak attack in combat.

Ok, let's keep vision cone as unwieldy as it is, and just add smaller hearing range radious. And make hide full action.

Last edited by Wormerine; 06/03/23 04:46 PM.