Originally Posted by Cafe
I see some good idea's and all but what I really want to see changed is the way the NPC react to being attacked by someone that shoots them and then hides again.
I agree but I feel that "make AI" respond is a much harder thing to pull of that modify ruleset to reign things in to begin with.

How would AI respond? Would they figure out where the shot came from and go investigate? Or should they follow procedurally generated search paths? Getting spotted in stealth is disasterous at the moment, and puts player on great disadvantage, especially if only one of their companions gets spotted. Ineffective AI search would be still useless, and and effective AI search might make attacks from stealth absurdly backfire.

Real time is very quickpaced and clunky, so if there was life reaction I think we should switch to turn based on attack, so we can reposition and than let AI do it's thing. We would be in combat (ideally whole party), so getting spotted would make us a target, but combat would already be in the process so there wouldn't be the issue of one character at a time being dragged into combat que and loosing their actions. But in essence now I am talking about turn-basef pre-combat stealth phase, and I feel it would be a big new gameplay feature, rather than a fix to what we already have.