
I think that if solutions from this thread are to be used, changing the basic Hide to be used as an action is given.

So, building on top of that with the example given previously:

Rogue attacks -> moves away from enemies cone of vision (and maybe hearing circle) to become unseen and unheard -> uses Cunning action: Hide

After this it might be a mediocre solution but I'll say:
if an enemy wanted to hit the Rogue (based on the criteria that the game currently posses to choose target) then it makes a Wisdom (Perception) check contested by a Dexterity (stealth) check by the player.
• If it suceeds it knows the player's position and can act accordingly.
• If it fails and has other enemies to attend, he possibly attacks them or whatever.
• If he hasn't other enemies to attack he could take a defensive position, where, It could take a Dodge Action (so yeah, I'm asking Dodge Actions to be added too =P ).
The dodge action is actually quite good against Rogues specially because it gives Disadvantage, what could cancel sneak attack, BUT it has a problem in this case, because the attacker should be seen for the dodge to be performed. Maybe if the rogue has to enter in the cone of vision that will allow the dodge and basically put in check the hiding tactic for cheesing.

One problem would be that, let's say you hide and then you do a movement that the enemy shouldn't be able to predict, like, a Rogue + Sorcerer multiclass hides, then use subtle spell to cast misty step to the other side behind a wall, an the enemy just wins the contested check and goes exactly to your position. That would be weird but I think it's pretty fair.
(also subtle spell doesn't work like that in BG3 so kind of a bad example by my part).

Last edited by SneakyHalfling; 08/03/23 12:29 AM.