The law of diminishing returns needs to apply to jumping distance.

If there will be no standing vs running jump rule, moderation must be achieved another way.

Current calculation: 3 + strenght modifier

Suggestion: 4 + half your strength modifier

14 strength equals 4 + 1 = 5 feet

18 strength: 4 + 2 = 6 feet

Up to:

24 strenght = 4 + 6 = 10 feet

Thereafter, further gains are divided by three. Standing Jump distance maxes at 11 feet/30 strenght. This is slightly below the world record. Higher than the world record would be for jumping in armour + carrying an inventory worth of items.

By my calculations, inventory weight subtracting only one foot is generous. All characters could get an extra foot of jumping distance for carrying below x kg (x depending on strenght). Could be equal to strength modifier.

As is, any enemy with strength approaching 30 will zoom over the map, and strenght player characters may as well grow wings. Jumping isn't weightlifting. A supremely strong character (24) having twice the jumping capability of a fit character (14) is extreme enough.