Yes , and you've been wrong several times.

Originally Posted by Halfies
The problem is that those 1000 participants are carefully weighted, they dont take every opinion as equal, and they dont tend to ask them in a specifically weighted enviroment, which this thread obviously is.
If you had 200 votes, which you dont, collected carefully from a weighted sample of people who are likely to play this game, then the poll might be accurate. As it is you have 83 votes from an insular community of the people most likely to complain about everything in the game, as you can see from the vast majority off threads in the forum being 'i dont like x, can we change it'. Which is fine, becuase thats the point of feedback, but lets not pretend its in any way represenative of a general player base that doesnt even exist yet.
It's contextually irrelevant.
In this case a self-selected sample is for the better.

You shouldn't design anything around the the opinion of someone who
- doesn't know or understand the system
- doesn't play these type of games or games in general
- was not given a significant amount of time to experiment with the game and form a valuable bedrock of understanding about what the implications of a mechanic are.

At best that type of audience can give you valuable data about ease of use.

This is an intrinsically technical inquiry about something that can be judged only through familiarity with the topic.

If you want a medical opinion, you listen to doctors, not the grocery guy.
If you want an opinion about a game mechanic, you listen to people who played that game long enough to have an INFORMED opinion.

Last edited by Tuco; 13/03/23 12:20 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN