Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Well in that case statisticaly 95% of people are Vegans ...
Bcs i asked 100 people (sample big enough according to you) on fair with vegan products (sample that is interested in topic is better, according to you).

Doesnt feels right, does it?
I don't really have an opinion on whether this sample in this thread is accurate (my goal has already been accomplished), but you're producing a strawman. Asking a vegan forum if people are vegan is not comparable to asking a BG3-player forum whether or not to modify shove. A better example would be asking a vegan forum if plant-based meat substitutions are too similar to meat to warrant eating, as it still perpetuates carnivore normativity.

The sample on this forum is not "people who hate shove." It's also not "people who complain about BG3." The sample here is "people who are interested in BG3/Larian enough to contribute to BG3-specific discussion." Sure, it's skewed to people who are *opinionated* about how the game *ought* to be, but that is by no means uniformly toward hating every gameplay aspect of Larian's design, or toward having a particular opinion about shove.

We also need to talk about feasibility in figuring out what players think of the game. Outside of having a poll in the game itself, the only place to collect survey data from players about BG3 is either here or the subreddit. Or paid playtesters.
Jesus Christ.
Thank you, it wasn't a hard concept to grasp.

Otherwise, I'm sure Larian is waiting with bated breath to know what any mid 40s housewife in New Mexico or 60 years old postal worker in London that never played a videogame in their life think of shove as a game mechanic.

There's such thing as the best thing in a bad neighborhood (or no neighborhood).
How would anyone go about collecting data on how well-received a mechanic is in a game? The only options:

-Have a question/survey in the game itself (not available for BG3).
-Look at statistics on how many players use said mechanic (not indicative of actually LIKING the mechanic)
-Ask random people online (no guarantee they've played the game)
-Put a poll on a forum (The forum posters might skew towards the idea of generic "change")

Last I checked, this is a forum for suggestions and feedback. There's been numerous arguments all over the forum in favor of changing shove. The poll was intended to see how many people (as a proportion of people passionate enough to give feedback about BG3) liked or disliked Shove as implemented. That's suggestion and feedback, and it's one of the only two forms of data Larian would have about how much people like the mechanic (the other being player-use statistics which they have).

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):