To echo Mrfuji and UnknownEvil:

I never said this poll was representative of all BG3 players. Assuming a player population of 1M, I would want a sample of 100,000. But we would never get that, so I would settle for 10,000... but we will still never get that.

The next best thing is to ask forum-goers. Of course there is going to be selection bias because the kind of people who frequent the BG3 forums are not the people who take the game at face value. But there is nothing in this selection that *necessarily* means the people are going to dislike shove in particular. I think Unknown and Fuji have really nailed why this poll is significant for SOMETHING, though certainly not everything.

I think if the selection is those players who are opinionated enough to want to change BG3, then it's not a perfect sample, but it is definitely sufficient to make judgments about whether or not shove is a problem to the set of players who have *anything* to say about the game.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):