Originally Posted by Niara
With all due respect, I find the excessively overbright false enthusiasm to be tiresome and not constructive to having a proper conversation – it's fake and it's shallow and feels dishonest – From your wording choices, it's seems that you felt that my questions were negatively geared and attacking or seeking to undermine you in some way; not my intention; and yet you chose to respond with a level of enthusiasm that doesn't match the way that you, the person posting, felt about my comments (using terms like 'insinuate' and 'pontificate' could be considered insulting and hurtful). Don't do that, please. I'd appreciate it if you'd drop the PR pitch and sales-speak when answering me, if that's all right please... I'd just like to have a discussion that asks legitimate questions and seeks serious answers, for everyone's benefit.

I totally agree with you but in defense of my profession as a Sales Director, and 20+ years in Sales I would NEVER communicate this way with someone. It comes off as inauthentic and condescending. If any of my AE's did this I would coach the shit out of them and if they kept it up they would get a PIP and then if they persisted I would terminate them.

I've seen bad used-car salesmen do this but no professional Salesperson would.
