Originally Posted by Commodore_Tyrs
I like it but this is D&D. A Dungeon Master narrates! smile (Just having some good-natured fun with this rule) But yes, I get it. FUN is the purpose of D&D, so everyone that reads your rules should GET IT. If you need to tweak something in the future, you will Im sure. This is a newish kind of rule and you must have already had to deal with the scenario. Not everyone likes the Howard Stern Show, or the Tonight Show, or the Bill Burr stand up routine! smile People are here for a D&D experience. BG3 will require GOOD party leaders that encompass the greatest parts of D&D and coop MMOs and even RPGs without going overboard while sticking to the Motus Operandi of your guild rules. This is what I feel a guild can add MOST to the greater BG3 player community. A family of close-knit gamers who's playstyles and same goals are similar or at least on the same wavelength. We have also discovered that enjoyment adds to REPLAYABILITY and keeps guildies coming back for MORE. Thats a good thing for everyone.

Few things here:

1. Bg3 doesn't have a DM mode, and won't have one at launch and may never get one.
2. Self-narration is different than narration. Self-narration is a player telling you everything they are doing and thinking non-stop. Narration is describing the environment and actions of all players. Do you see the difference?
3. It sounds like you have not experienced this or its something you do and are not aware of it. Hopefully the former.
4. Do you guys impose a DM on the Bg3 multiplayer games you play? How does that work?
