Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by Commodore_Tyrs
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Good luck with everything.

Thank you Blackheifer. Back at ya. Im also open to learning ... especially when it comes to our new community here. We are ALL learning.

What's your guild name?

As it turns out we don't release our Guild name publicly as we don't advertise. However, you can call us The Nation.

Our recruitment is solely through online play on the Larian Discord. Our admins are always there evaluating people. If they are good team players with decent interpersonal skills they get an invite. If not, no hard feelings.

Look, if you ever want to discuss logistics on the whole BG3 multiplayer thing, feel free to reach out

P.S. For the record I wasn't trolling you. I was just excited to meet another guild and wanted to understand you better. We have different ways of doing things but that's fine ofc. Also I don't think Niara was trolling you either, she doesn't do that. She just gets intensely focused on things and can be very direct. Her work is genius though- but the neurodivergent can be a bit of a pill at times ;D

Well there you go. We have our strategy and you have yours. We prefer to get our Tyrs mission and vision out there because many of our guildies yearn for playing D&D together online with an older, drama free group. Some however are not extroverted, and we support their style of play and communication as well. Or some may be unable to due to special needs or disability. We support this community as well. We find that in time many open up and become integral members of our family. Even if they just listen in... they are just as valuable to us. If they are enjoying themselves -- so are we.

Yeah its great to see other guilds here FINALLY. Logistics on the whole BG3 multiplayer thing is an important topic. This will be confusing to many so just as well get it organized on that front before launch.

As for Niara, I get it now. Im totally open to strategizing with you both. The BG3 community seems to be picking up! This Larian forum is dated and that will be a potential issue attracting forumites. But that's ok too because WE STILL USE forums for organizations purposes and news releases and all the other guild goodies. Discord of course will be a major play in BG3 since we definitely like the opportunity and benefits of in-quest banter, direction, camaraderie and teamwork!

Last edited by Commodore_Tyrs; 17/03/23 06:02 PM.