Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Maybe im reading it wrong ... but i dont feel like you are answering my question. O_o

Im asking if curent execution is sufficient ...

Yes, I think that’s what the OP is asking too, and it’s a fair question. I’ve feel like I’ve given my own personal take in this thread already, so if you want a different kind of answer I think we’re going to be reliant on someone else with different preferences. But in case it’s just miscommunication, the short answer from my perspective is that what we have is better than nothing, but no I don’t think it’s sufficient.

I don’t, however, have any particularly strong views about the fact that the current implementation means it’s possible to create a character that would look quintessentially male but would automatically be referred to as “she” by all NPCs, which is why I didn’t comment on that. I feel like I might already have said this earlier in this thread, but personally I’m happy to handwave that particular incongruity and/or play trans characters that I feel can be handled by the game in ways I’m happy to accept. And has been mentioned, in English the gender of the PC is referred to so rarely that I personally don’t feel it’s particularly jarring. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t better or different ways of handling presentation that doesn’t “match” gender identity, and of course others may well be less happy to compromise on the limits the current implementation could be considered to place on the types of trans characters one can plausibly create.

I do like the suggestion of a more androgynous body shape that Brainer made, though that doesn’t go anywhere to solve the issue of trans characters who don’t have such a body like your trans half-orc. I’d be more than happy to discuss what improvements could be made that could make roleplaying such characters more realistic, but don’t personally have any suggestions that I feel are workable and would be a significant improvement.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"