To whoever who find it important for him/her/them (presuming they are willing to answer ofc.) ... is this (set in menu and whole world automaticly follow) really satisfying execution for you? O_o
As I said in an earlier post in this thread, while I’m not trans myself, I do think it’s important for an RPG like BG3 in 2023 to engage with the topic of gender identity and the Forgotten Realms setting presents all kinds of interesting potential for doing so. Simply giving players the option to select an identity and any body type (which is what it looks like from the updated CC in the release date trailer) and then having NPCs using the identity selected for pronouns and other gendered language isn’t pointless, as it least prompts some thinking about the topic on the parts of developers and players and enables some limited but still interesting opportunities to roleplay characters whose gender identity isn’t straightforward. But if that turned out to be the sum total of what we get in the full game when it comes to engagement with themes of gender identity, I’d see that as disappointing and a huge missed opportunity.
I already indicated earlier in this thread some of the things I thought the game could do if it wanted, so I’ll not go into that any further unless anyone particularly wants to talk about it in more detail.
Maybe im reading it wrong ... but i dont feel like you are answering my question. O_o
Im asking if curent execution is sufficient ...
While you talking (or at least thats how im reading it) about it being important for some people to have option to use corect pronouns ...
Thats different topic.
Im not against it at all ...
I just wonder if this feels good to people who cares about it, bcs (just as with so called "evil races") i preffer to either do things properly, or not at all.
And all i wonder is if im the only one with this mindset here.
Lets use an example:
I create a Masculine Half-Orc with long, thick beard ... 2m high, 120kg weight, all muscle no fat ... by all standards pure Testosteron body ... ok?
Now i decide that he ... well, actually she ... identify as a Female ...
And from this point on, every NPC in the world will automaticly reffer to her with Female pronouns.
It just feels weird ... not bcs that Half-Orc indentify as a Female, since i dont give a damn about that ...
But bcs whole world know and automaticly decides to respect it!
And so i would like to know if anyone who would concider creating such Female Half-Orc ... feels like such execution is acceptable.
Oh, well now we HAVE to have a flame war. :P
I would like to bet 5 Gold on blue one, please.