Originally Posted by Nessius
I'm also guessing that both the devnote and PR statement were written before the devs actually had time to parse people's complaints with the ending and not just the lack of an epilogue scene. If you look waaaayyyyy back at the start of this thread one of the things our fearless leader G4RIIK asked for was confirmation that the Avernus ending wasn't just Karlach going back into slavery but with a buddy this time. Technically speaking the devs did address that complaint, and at the time they had much bigger fish to fry. Now that the game has launched pretty much everywhere it was supposed to and the easy complaints have been addressed, I imagine they have time to sit down and sketch out an ending that isn't such garbage.

One thing I am anxious about though is for them to pull a monkey's paw on us and have some ridiculous crap where if we fix her engine we can't touch her again or she turns evil or something. In which case I would probably have a cardiac event.

Good idea, no touching.

I think that would be a fair exchange, it would be consistent with the bittersweet endings they have lined up for her already. I would consider this to be a mostly ''good'' aligned ending. I don't think they want to modify the theme too much, so something like this could work.

She can live and run a tavern, she wouldn't be lonely in the same way she felt in Avernus (minus the touchy bits of loneliness). She can't touch anyone, like before her upgrades.

At least she can be around people she cares about and live a life on Faerun. Perhaps even make her a bit more powerful in exchange, adding some more bittergoodness.