I'll just pop in to add in my general agreement for the points made here.

Yeah, there is zero question that Stealth MUST be changed so that if initiative gets rolled, it gets rolled for all characters nearby - whether they've been detected or not. If there's a character hiding when a combat starts, great, they can act on their turn. But as soon as initiative gets rolled, they're in turn-based mode even if they remain undetected.

If a character elsewhere approaches, then once they get close enough (no closer than 60 feet from a combatant) then they automatically roll initiative and need to wait on their turn to move, even if they approach while sneaking.

Unless your character has the Skulker feat, attacking from stealth should break stealth, period. You cannot attempt to hide again until no enemies have line of sight onto you.

Running away from a combat and stealthing is a problem. Wounded characters could snap-regen to full if the combat stops due to enemies losing track of the player, but that won't help if an enemy gets killed.

I agree that only Rogues of level 2+ should have bonus action Hide. That's basically their thing.

I also agree that in combat, full 360 degree sight, which is blocked by vision-blocking objects makes sense. If a fight has broken out, characters are obviously aware and on the lookout for danger.

Last edited by Stabbey; 30/03/23 04:01 AM.