Originally Posted by 1varangian
Or they could just.... use the actual rules?

D&D rules are pretty well grounded in realism when magic is not concerned. It's Larian who decided to buff Jumping and Shoving distances to ridiculous levels because they revel in slapstick and memes, regardless of the style of their own game.

BG3 being presented in a very realistic style but gameplay being superhero anime is not a good match. It's distracting and annoying. Magic jumps feel like nothing when every jump is a magic jump
That said, one of the criticisms of 5e is that level 20 spellcasters become these reality-altering near-gods while level 20 martial characters...hit 4 times as frequently.

I'd be okay with only martial characters (fighters, barbarians, and monks) getting extra, superhero-like jumping abilities as they leveled up.