Originally Posted by SneakyHalfling
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
People asking for complete gameplay overhauls when release is August? I mean, I get wanting changes, but let's be realistic here, almost everything we've seen gameplay wise is set in stone, it's not changing.

I wouldn't call the changes discussed here "complete overhauls" most of them are really simple like changing the normal "Hide" to cost an action, and furthermore, they can be applied independently from each other, no need to do all of them.

Anyway, while I asked for many changes I don't think they are essential for the game full release and I dont think that is the true deadline. Larian has been working on this genre for a while and reused the system from Divinity here, asking for changes in the systems is not only for BG3, but for future games/patches as well.

Also we don't know what is in the actual final game. The EA framework is very different from the Full game framework. Nobody but the QA folks and Devs/execs have seen that.

At this point I am really holding off on saying anything until that full game gets released. Larian is unlikely to comment about the current state of the game until after August 31st. They are in Optimization and get all the things done mode.
