Originally Posted by Niara
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Did he really say that? Do you have the link for that? That doesn't sound like Swen, but who knows.

Exact quotes aside, he's expressed this sentiment repeatedly during the various panels from hell, and it does indeed match his stated outlook. He absolutely likes to cheat and exploit, considers it fun and funny, can't seem (in my opinion of his commentary) to imagine that anyone else wouldn't, and fights to keep as much and as many of these utterly broken elements in the game as he can. He's spoken at various instances during the panels about battling with the design crew to keep various 'features' that either get tuned back or fixed.

Thank you for that. That’s unfortunate. I think the first thing we will do on the server is require a “no exploits” mod for any serious runs. None of my core players like that crap.

Whenever we have a new person in one of our groups that starts using the exploits - thinking they are being clever - you can feel everyone in the channel rolling their eyes and then we explain that “we know we just don’t do that because it’s cheap”

Oh well.
