Oh I already avoid using concentration spells. I’d rather risk a savings throw than have a concentration spell pop due to the above as noted. Even a max stat Con spell caster has multiple “opportunities” per round for concentration to go bust.
There are enough utility/defensive spells that don’t use it and enough damage spells the make up for it.
I kinda disagree that there are enough options if you don't take concentration spells. I mean it depends on class. I spent a few minutes on the wiki adding it up and while wizards and sorcerers do get enough none con spells that a lvl 5 wizard could only memorize half of them it gets worse for every other caster. Life cleric had something like two or three spells more than the total number they can prepare and Paladin could, I think, prepare every none con spell there is. Lvl 3 spell options get worse for everyone as well. While wizards do still get four options plus some very situational spells, Druids have Plant growth- and that's it.
It's fair that "enough" is subjective, but I think it'd be really bad for the replayability of the game if it remains in this state at release.