Joined: Oct 2020
well they could always just make a catch animation so the other character can catchs the potion and drinks it.
People were saying that poison is stupid because it goes through the boots this is the same thing... just a matter of taste when it comes to realism i guess
Walking through healing liquid is the same thing at the end...
Joined: Sep 2020
well they could always just make a catch animation so the other character can catchs the potion and drinks it.
People were saying that poison is stupid because it goes through the boots this is the same thing... just a matter of taste when it comes to realism i guess
Walking through healing liquid is the same thing at the end... Using the fact that you can walk through a puddle to heal, even though it's dumb, is not a great argument for also being able to be healed/affected by thrown potions. While allowing both of ^ as opposed to one or the other is more consistent, removing both would be equally consistent and make more sense and have less of an effect on game balance. Also, I'm already looking forward to the terrible hafling animations for catching XD.
Joined: Oct 2020
Please Larian put in optioons to be able to tailor this to our iinidividual taste personally i would love to get rid of most of the stupid homebrewed rules.
Joined: Jun 2020
Asking the deep questions: Can you throw a potion at your monk friend, and have them deflect missile catch it, and then ki point redirect the 'attack' to throw the potion further on around the corner to your actual downed ally?
Hey, Larian... this kind of tomfoolery sounds right up your ally for silliness and fun... but... you know... we'd need a proper reaction system to allow players to do it... Hint hint...
Joined: Aug 2014
The Monk redirection could leave behind a fun healing cloud trail you could follow like Pacman and munch on those HP's.
Joined: Oct 2020
NIARA! Stop giving them ideas! Out of all the people...:P
Joined: Oct 2021
Thoroughly dislike it. Just like making Hide a bonus action makes Rogues less impactful, this makes healers less impactful cuz now everyone's a healer. Not only that, an AOE healer. Not to mention it's incredibly stupid from the immersion standpoint. It's a potion, not a fabric softener. You have to drink it, not have it splashed over your robes.
Generally, I really dislike this Larian's tendency to give everyone everything. Picking a class should matter.
Joined: Apr 2023
I also think this steal healing role, and as far as early access i think cleric is pretty much replaceable and i realy want to keep Shadowheart in my party on full release.
Joined: Aug 2019
What's most hilarious is that potions have a splash effect when thrown. If you target just right, one can hit four units with a single potion. Of course, the units will need grouped into roughly a ten foot square, but it's doable.
Joined: Mar 2020
Asking the deep questions: Can you throw a potion at your monk friend, and have them deflect missile catch it, and then ki point redirect the 'attack' to throw the potion further on around the corner to your actual downed ally? I think that would be too complex interaction, requiring too much thinking and creativity from the player. Larian would just extend the throw distance, and make the potion teleport.
Last edited by Wormerine; 04/04/23 09:13 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Apr 2022
What's most hilarious is that potions have a splash effect when thrown. If you target just right, one can hit four units with a single potion. Of course, the units will need grouped into roughly a ten foot square, but it's doable. So I find it most hilarious to kill 1HP Findal in the Underground Passage with a thrown Healing Potion. I'm sure the Oathbreakers will be the happiest of all???
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old hand
Joined: Jan 2023
I'm starting to think the healing potion is actually a magical gas at least sometimes.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2023
well they could always just make a catch animation so the other character can catchs the potion and drinks it.
People were saying that poison is stupid because it goes through the boots this is the same thing... just a matter of taste when it comes to realism i guess
Walking through healing liquid is the same thing at the end... There is no problem with this scenario as long as the poison emits toxic fumes. Similarly, if the potion goes through the boots in record time, it's probably not just the liquid doing the work. I have no idea if any of this is consistent with D&D lore. However, I think thrown healing potions should be less effective. It's one thing to partly cover your party member in liquid. Topical application. Okay. It's another to miss and for them to recover through, what, inhaling the potion? In either scenario, they're not getting the full dose. Not that it should even really be able to go through anything but cloth. Though, it's not like it makes sense that they work instantly despite not being magic. "Making sense" is a lost cause.
Joined: Aug 2020
Technically healing potions ARE magic. In the books they're listed as magic items. They're potions after all. They're meant to be fairly hard to come by, but are as common as they are in the game because it's a video game, healing potions are gonna be more abundant. So I guess given they're magic, saying that they work if you throw them at someone isn't entirely impossible. The problem is that it really FEELS dumb and silly, and it's not like it's a thing meant to enhane the feeling of the world having a unique vibe. It's just there because... well, because Larian devs think it's funny probably.
Joined: Aug 2019
What's most hilarious is that potions have a splash effect when thrown. If you target just right, one can hit four units with a single potion. Of course, the units will need grouped into roughly a ten foot square, but it's doable. So I find it most hilarious to kill 1HP Findal in the Underground Passage with a thrown Healing Potion. I'm sure the Oathbreakers will be the happiest of all??? Interesting, I've never damaged anyone with a healing potion. Well, I haven't as far as I could tell. I know the potion itself takes damage, as a number pops up. But, I've never been able to rectify this with damage done to potion, healing provided, and the current hit points of the target.
Joined: Mar 2020
Interesting, I've never damaged anyone with a healing potion. Well, I haven't as far as I could tell. I know the potion itself takes damage, as a number pops up. But, I've never been able to rectify this with damage done to potion, healing provided, and the current hit points of the target. Successfuly throwing an item at someone will do damage to that person. As potion weights little, the damage is minimal, however the sequence of events is: 1) you roll if you succeeded in the throw - if yes damage is rolled for the target 2) potion spill and characters who stand on the puddle get healed. Of course, the simplest way is to aim at the ground, rather than the target, for guaranteed heal and no damage. However, if you succesfully throw a potion at Findal it will kill him, before he can be healed with the spill.
Joined: Jun 2021
This along with sooo many other “Larianisms” need to be fixed. If not I just hope modders can turn this ambitious and at times surprisingly good dream of a bg2 sequel into an actual reality
Last edited by Aaezil; 05/04/23 12:24 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jan 2023
Technically healing potions ARE magic. In the books they're listed as magic items. They're potions after all. They're meant to be fairly hard to come by, but are as common as they are in the game because it's a video game, healing potions are gonna be more abundant. So I guess given they're magic, saying that they work if you throw them at someone isn't entirely impossible. The problem is that it really FEELS dumb and silly, and it's not like it's a thing meant to enhane the feeling of the world having a unique vibe. It's just there because... well, because Larian devs think it's funny probably. What is this based on? I tried hard to find background on healing potions, but couldn't find anything consistent. Just that anyone can make them and no magic is required. That might be once again inconsistent, though... If they're magic items, anyway, that is doubly weird. Godly interference?? How did it get in there
Joined: Aug 2020
Well in the Dungeon Master's Guide, they're listed as magic items. I don't know where you're looking for your information. It also doesn't say anything about who can and can't make them either. You regain hit points when you drink this potion. The number of hit points depends on the potion's rarity, as shown in the Potions of Healing table. Whatever its potency, the potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.
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old hand
Joined: Jul 2017
I used a healing potion for throwing once and never again. To me it seems silly and cheap, and not very immersive. Even if a potion is magic in DnD, it seemingly is magic mainly to be drunk and working from inside the body. For me the throwing is like taking the needle from a syringe filled with antibiotics to battle an bacterial inflammation and squirt the fluid into the face of the patient. Not very effective, to put it mildly. At least they should add some random side effects to the thrown potion, like bleeding from splinters, or temporary or permanent blinding from an eye hit. 